Special Issue: Sport and Tourism. Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow. Vol. 1. Editors Dariusz Jacek Olszewski-Strzyżowski and Raluca Buhaş
Physical activity and other health-related behaviors in adults from Oradea, Romania. Facts and social factors
Raluca Buhaș, Sorana Săveanu, and Claudia Bacter
The institutional effect on leisure time and competitive sports at higher education colleges and universities in the Carpathian Basin
Klára Kovács, Marianna Moravecz, Zsuzsa Nagy, Dávid Rábai, and Dániel Szabó
Aspects regarding extracurricular sport activities in schools from Bihor County, Romania
Claudia Georgescu and Raluca Buhaș
Aspects regarding the integration of children with special educational needs through participation in physical education
Dana Ioana Cristea, Ionuț Moțoc, and Anca-Cristina Pop
Some insights on physical education classes in primary and secondary schools in Bihor County, Romani
Claudia Georgescu, Roxana Firezar, and Petru Pețan
Views on the quality of life of people with disabilities in the light of their involvement in sport activities
Remigiusz Drozdz
The perception of geography in school and society
Grigore Vasile Herman, Mihaela Simona Biriș, Dorina Camelia Ilieș, Tudor Caciora, Alexandru Ilieș, Jan A. Wendt, and Daniela Sopota
Emitter and tourist destination in Romania
Grigore Vasile Herman, Dorina Camelia Ilieș, Olivier Dehoorne, Alexandru Ilieș, Alphonse Sambou, Tudor Caciora, Mamadou Diombera, and Anamaria Lăzuran
Expanding transboundary tourist space – The growing significance of the Augustów Canal
Aliaksandr Cyargeenka and Marek Wieckowski
Establishing transboundary tourist space in the Baltic Sea region
Denis Cerić and Marek Wieckowski
Changes in air tourism to Tunisia in 2009–2018
Jan A. Wendt and Dariusz Jacek Olszewski-Strzyzowski
Innovative technologies in using Baltic amber for wellness
Anna Mikhaylova and Andrey Mikhaylov
How does history of sport rank in sciences – A discussion of the paradigm of the history of sport
Piotr Godlewski
Sport, masculinity and gender relations
Arnaldo Spallacci