Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, is an open access peer-reviewed international journal published by Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport, Poland (in Polish – Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu im. Jędrzeja Śniadeckiego w Gdańsku), The journal is a complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the field of medical, sport and health sciences. The Balt J Health Phys Act focuses on certain fields but is not limited to the topics which include: physical education, public health, exercise physiology, sports medicine, sports training and behaviour sciences. The Editorial Board includes renowned scientists representing different fields of studies, what guarantees a high scholarly level of the published articles. The Balt J Health Phys Act is published quarterly and accepts various types of manuscripts, including original research articles, reviews, short communications.
Recent Content
Spasticity and pain and the improvement of muscle strength in athletes with partial spinal cord injury
Dariusz Tadeusz Skalski, Kinga Łosińska, Magdalena Prończuk, Alicja Markiel, Jarosław Markowski, Jan Pilch, Joanna Motowidło, Petr Stastny, and Adam Maszczyk
Assessment of the effect of classic sports massage on the reduction of delayed onset muscle soreness in the rectus abdominis
Dariusz Boguszewski, Cezary Kaaroud, and Jakub Grzegorz Adamczyk
Assessment of the reliability and validity of simple and complex reaction speed tests in mixed martial arts athletes using the BlazePod system
Jacek Polechoński, Jan Pilch, Alan Langer, Magdalena Prończuk, Jarosław Markowski, and Adam Maszczyk
The supporting role of physical exercise in the prevention end treatment of neurodegenerative and mental diseases
Celestyna Grzywniak
Relationship between E-sports and physical activity participation: Validation of the E-sports Addiction Scale (ESAS)
Olivér Szabella, Lili Kassay, and Attila Szabo
Reliability and criterion validity of the Turkish version of the Recent Physical Activity Questionnaire
Kubra Ayse Dasdemir, Sinem Suner-Keklik, Gamze Cobanoglu, and Nevin A. Guzel
The relationship between individualised speed thresholds and changes in aerobic fitness in elite professional youth soccer players. A case study
Ronan Kavanagh, Kevin McDaid, David Rhodes, Jill Alexander, Damian Harper, Rafael Oliveira, Kieran Berry, Mark Connor, Piotr Zmijewski, and Ryland Morgans
Exploration of running in minimal and conventional footwear on tibial stress fracture probability in habitual and non-habitual minimal users
Jonathan K. Sinclair and Paul J. Taylor
The impact of asymmetry in lower limb muscle strength and power on straight-line running speed in female soccer players
Dariusz Skalski, Magdalena Prończuk, Kinga Łosińska, Michał Spieszny, Maciej Kostrzewa, Piotr Aschenbrenner, and Adam Maszczyk
Effect of imagery training on football players
Dagmara Budnik-Przybylska, Franciszek Makurat, Jacek Przybylski, and Tony Morris
Correlations between tensiomyography variables and lower extremity power
Adis Tabaković, Ensar Abazović, Muhamed Tabaković, and Erol Kovačević
Does the frequency and number of ESWT sessions in patients with heel spurs affect the final result of the therapy?
Anna Karafová, Daria Budnicka, Barbara Duda-Biernacka, Wioletta Mikuľáková, and Marian Karafa
Analysis of the longitudinal effect of home advantage in the Brazilian Football Championship – Série A
Werlayne Leite and Marcelo C. Zanetti
Development, validation, and reliability of a new instrument of observation and technical evaluation in karate athletes
Filipe Ferreira, Rui Miguel Silva, Georgian Badicu, Jarosław Muracki, Bartłomiej Bogdański, and Adam Kawczyński
Physical activity and selected elements of adolescents’ digital hygiene in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic
Magdalena Woynarowska, Anna Dzielska, Szymon Stanisław Wójcik, Mariusz Panczyk, and Magdalena Bigaj
The impact of judo training on the development of cognitive functions - A systematic review
Jakub Biedrzycki and Radosław Laskowski
The impact of coordination training on motor skills in adolescent handball players aged 14–15 years: A randomized controlled trial
Michał Spieszny, Wojciech Wąsacz, Zbigniew Kamys, Tadeusz Ambroży, Krzysztof Kasicki, Paweł Kapuściński, and Łukasz Rydzik
Emotional overeating and eating motives during COVID-19 in Polish women: Intergroup comparison among participants in various body mass index categories
Adriana Modrzejewska, Justyna Modrzejewska, Kamila Czepczor-Bernat, and Julia Wyszomirska
Secular trends in underweight, overweight, and physical fitness of girls and boys aged 16–18 in eastern Poland from 2006 to 2016–2021
Agnieszka Wasiluk and Jerzy Saczuk
Efficiency of one against one game situations in Polish Soccer National Team and their opponents during UEFA European Championship matches
Andrzej Szwarc, Krzysztof Kromke, Henryk Duda, Andrzej Soroka, and Lukasz Radziminski
Does virtual reality allow for a reliable assessment of reaction speed in mixed martial arts athletes?
Jacek Polechoński, Alan Langer, Petr Stastny, Marcin Zak, Izabela Zając-Gawlak, and Adam Maszczyk
Evaluation of the influence of training in an immersive virtual reality environment on sports skills in table tennis
Martin Škopek, Josef Heidler, Štefan Balkó, Lenka Vojtíková, and Radka Ulrichová
The Effect of 6-week EEG-biofeedback training in normobaric hypoxia and normoxia conditions on reaction time in elite judo athletes
Magdalena Prończuk, Joanna Motowidło, Ewelina Lulińska, Dariusz T. Skalski, Jarosław Markowski, Jan Pilch, Maciej Kostrzewa, Artur Terbalyan, Karol Skotniczny, and Adam Maszczyk
Strength and conditioning habits of Polish amateur endurance runners
Zbigniew Jost and Maciej Chroboczek
Comprehensive technical analysis of a kickboxing fight in K1 format based on observation
Marta Niewczas, Wojciech Wąsacz, Wiesław Chwała, Tomasz Pałka, Ewa Sobiło-Rydzik, Tadeusz Ambroży, Kristína NĚMÁ, and Łukasz Rydzik
Association analysis of the OPRM1 polymorphism gene and personality traits among a cohort of professional athletes.
Remigiusz Recław, Agnieszka Boroń, Krzysztof Chmielowiec, Jolanta Chmielowiec, Katarzyna Prabucka, Milena Lachowicz, Łukasz Zadroga, Przemysław Guła, Maciej Brożyna, and Anna Grzywacz
The moderating role of perseverance and determination in action in the context of self-efficacy and life satisfaction of sportspeople with mobility impairment
Natalia Segiet and Krzysztof Gerc
Relative age effect at men’s volleyball world championships over time
Marcin Śliwa, Mariusz Buszta, and Jerzy Sadowski
Parental history of cardiovascular risk factors and childhood cardiometabolic risk: The preventive effects of cardiorespiratory fitness and waist circumference within offspring
Caroline Brand, Arieli Fernandes Dias, Camila F. Fochesatto, Anelise Reis Gaya, Sean Carroll, James P. Hobkirk, Jane D. Pollo Renner, and Cezane P. Reuter
The effects of analogy teaching on sport skill acquisition in children
Mohsen Afrouzeh, Ferman Konukman, Rabiu Muazu Musa, Mohammad Sadeq Afroozeh, Ertan Tufekcioglu, and Bijen Filiz
The transgenerational transmission of physical attractiveness perceptions: Role of parents' physical activity and nutrition habits in modelling body-focused health attitudes and body shape perception in five-year-old offspring
Agata Kamionka, Mariusz Lipowski, Sebastian Lizińczyk, Urszula Sajewicz-Radtke, Bartosz Radtke, Ariadna Łada-Maśko, Dariusz Olszewski-Strzyżowski, and Małgorzata Lipowska
Assessment of postural stability of 14-year-old girls training volleyball
Robert Walaszek, Wiesław Chwała, Katarzyna Burdacka, Marcin Burdacki, and Paweł Kurowski
Interval training using a slide board is superior to cycloergometer regarding aerobic capacity and specific fitness in elite ice hockey players
Robert Roczniok, Artur Terbalyan, Daria Manilewska, Grzegorz Mikrut, Tomas Mika, and Petr Stastny
The acute effect of releasing the thoracolumbar facia by osteopatic technique on lower extremity functional performance on lumbar extensor endurance and mobility in soccer players
Erkan Özyılmaz, Ömer Şenel, Hasan Aka, and Zait Burak Aktuğ
Effects of a 10-week footstrike transition programme on tibial stress fracture probability; a randomized controlled intervention using finite element and probabilistic modelling
Jonathan Sinclair and Paul J. Taylor
Evaluation of elevation parameter determination by Global Navigation Satellite Systems’ sports receivers: A preliminary study
Tomasz Szot and Marcin Sontowski
The evolution of body posture in the sagittal plane in the sensitive growth period of children and adolescents undergoing individual scoliosis therapy: A pilot study
Barbara Rosołek, Katarzyna Smółka, Diana Celebańska, Monika Szarajew, and Anna Zwierzchowska
Painful shoulder syndrome and upper limb function in competitive swimmers
Beata Pożarowszczyk-Kuczko, Martyna Kumorek, Dariusz Mroczek, Filipe Clemente, and Wioletta Dziubek
Sprint performance following plyometric conditioning activity in elite sprinters
Kinga Huminska-Lisowska, Aleksandra Strońska-Pluta, Aleksandra Suchanecka, Myosotis Massidda, Grzegorz Trybek, Carla Maria Calò, Agata Rzeszutko-Bełzowska, Remigiusz Recław, and Anna Grzywacz
Sprint performance following plyometric conditioning activity in elite sprinters
Michal Krzysztofik, Mateusz Jopek, Dariusz Mroczek, Aleksander Matusiński, and Adam Zając
The effects of complex elastic band training on physical fitness components in junior female handball players
Mehrez Hammami, Ryland Morgans, and Piotr Zmijewski
How does rest Interval duration affect performance? An experiment on high-intensity sprint exercises
İbrahim Orkun Akcan and Cengiz Ölmez
The impact of physique on strategy and performance in the 400 m hurdles race among elite male athletes
Janusz Iskra, Subir Gupta, Krzysztof Przednowek, René V. Best, and Arkadiusz Stanula
Benefits of Pilates exercises on functional fitness and quality of life in older men: A quasi-experimental study
Mohammad Khazaei, Jolanta Marszałek, Reza Aminzadeh, Elham Dehghani, and Bahador Azizi
Effects of core stabilization exercises in patients with non-specific low back pain: Huber Motion Lab versus conventional
Ebru KOYUNCU, Nur TUNALI, Seda SAKA, Ertuğrul URAL, and Melek Güneş YAVUZER
Relationship between functional movement screen scores and postural stability in football players: an asymmetrical approach
Yücel Makaracı, Kazım Nas, Kerem Gündüz, and Mehmet İleri
Adaptive changes in young football players working in a modified tactical periodization model based on the example of endurance.
Marta Szymanek-Pilarczyk, Michał Jakub Nowak, and Jacek Wąsik
Gait analysis of male professional boxers
Jacek Perliński, Joanna M. Bukowska, Łukasz Rydzik, Wojciech Wąsacz, Dariusz Kruczkowski, Tadeusz Ambroży, Wojciech Czarny, and Jarosław Jaszczur-Nowicki
The effect of a single cycle of ischemia on bar velocity during bench press exercise
Marta BICHOWSKA-PAWĘSKA, Dawid GAWEŁ, Robert TRYBULSKI, Jakub JAROSZ, Kinga ŁOSIŃSKA, Krzysztof FOSTIAK, and Joao Guilherme VIEIRA
The effectiveness of resistance exercises performed on stable and unstable surfaces in relation to torso activation
Radim Jebavy, Dusan Blazek, Helena Vomackova, Jan Vavra, Jan Busta, Anna Pisz, and Petr Stastny
Influence of Beta and Theta waves as predictors of simple and complex reaction times in examined groups of judo athletes during the Vienna test
Magdalena Pronczuk, Tomasz Chamera, Alicja Markiel, Jerzy Markowski, Jan Pilch, Piotr Żmijewski, and Adam Maszczyk
Effects of attending to a 12-week structured physical activity program on fitness and self-perception levels of obese primary schoolchildren
Yetkin Utku Kamuk and Spiridon Kamtsios
Comparison of the effects of the three methods of massage, selected yoga exercises and massage-yoga combination on the depression in elderly women
Elham Piri, Behnam Ghasemi, and Ali Shafizadeh
The role of teachers (de-)motivational styles on students’ autonomous motivation in physical education and leisure time
Henri Tilga, Kaija Vahtra, and Andre Koka
Association of the G>A (rs6265) polymorphism in the brain derived neurotrophic factor gene (BDNF) with post-training changes in Caucasian women
Katarzyna Świtała, Agata Leońska-Duniec, Monika Michałowska-Sawczyn, Andrzej Brodkiewicz, Kinga Łosińska, and Anna Grzywacz
Medicine balls training in the sequence of complex handball training versus only handball training: effects on physical fitness in pre-adolescence female handball players
Natalia Chukhlantseva
Extended range of motion does not induce greater muscle damage than conventional range of motion in the bench press exercise
Patryk Matykiewicz, Michał Krzysztofik, and Adam Zając
Validity-reliability of the e-Healthy Diet Literacy Scale in Turkish adults
Sevil Karahan Yılmaz, Gunay Eskici, and Osman Emir Sarac
The effects of resistance training on jumping and selected power variables of the lower limbs in female soccer players
Tomasz Chamera, Magdalena Prończuk, Piotr Smok, Miłosz Drozd, Małgorzata Michalczyk, and Adam Maszczyk
Abductor and adductor strength relation to sprint performance in soccer players
Paulina Królikowska, Artur Gołaś, Petr Stastny, Jakub Kokstejn, Wojciech Grzyb, and Michal Krzysztofik
The role of emotional states and mental techniques in dancesport: A systematic review
Sara Aliberti, Gaetano Raiola, and Domenico Cherubini
The level of functionality of the affected upper limb in stroke patients depends on the type of therapy used and the lateralization of the subjects' body - A randomized observational study.
Anna Olczak and Marcin Dornowski
The impact of home confinement by COVID-19 on mood state and adaptive behaviors in Spanish swimmers
Jose Carlos Jaenes, David Alarcon Rubio, María José Arenilla-Villalba, and Dominika Wilczyńska
Self-determination theory as a possible explanation for the motivation of Norwegian outdoor life students
Arne Martin Jakobsen
Directions of attack and their effectiveness of male judo medalists at the Olympic competitions.
The COL27A1 and COL11A1 gene variants are not associated with the susceptibility to anterior cruciate ligament rupture in Polish athletes
Zhuo Sun, Aleksandra Bojarczuk, and Pawel Cieszczyk
Relative age effect of female and male handball players participating in Olympics Games Tokyo 2020
Paweł Krawczyk, Adam Dyjas, Adam Szeląg, and Maciej Cedro
Acute effects of three different stretching techniques on hamstring flexibility in professional football players
Erkan Erol, Ramazan Yıldız, Ayşe Yıldız, Fatih Emre Doğan, and Bülent Elbasan
Differences in ACTN3, ACE, and ADBR3 polymorphisms between Croatian National Team and non-national team elite soccer players
Lana RUŽIĆ, Ivan RADMAN, and Branka R. MATKOVIĆ
Action distance as a predictor of winning and losing matches at FIVB Volleyball Men’s World Championship
Dariusz Mroczek and Damian Pawlik
Age-related physical and performance changes in young swimmers: The comparison of predictive models in 50-meter swimming performance
Erkan Demirkan, Tugrul Özkadı, İsmet Alagöz, Esin Çağla Çağlar, and Furkan Çamiçi
Genetic variants and anterior cruciate ligament rupture – Elastin proteins gene and fibromodulin gene polymorphisms
Ewelina Lulińska, Joanna Żelazny, Agnieszka Lulińska, Elżbieta Grzywacz, Aleksandra Stroińska-Pluta, Marek Sawczuk, and Magdalena Stanulewicz
Predictors of meeting physical activity recommendation before and during COVID-19 pandemic in adults
Physical activity in managing stress among managers during the COVID-19 pandemic – A systematic review
Anna Hryniewicz, Anna Gmiąt, Magdalena Jaroch-Lidzbarska, and Mariusz Lipowski
Physiotherapists’ work in public perception
Andrzej Lewandowski, Jadwiga Sarwinska, and Zuzanna Piekorz
Adaptation of the Love–Hate Scale for Sports Fans into Turkish: A validity and reliability study
Sercan KURAL, Oguz OZBEK, and Bulent GURBUZ
Physical activity among adults with psychiatric illness in Karachi, Pakistan: A survey based research
Aneeta JEVTANI, Erum PERVEEN, Mustafa UROOSA, Nazia ZEYA, Farkhanda EMAD, Fareeha KANWAL, Mahum AZHAAR, and Faisal YAMIN
Force–velocity profiles in CrossFit athletes: A cross-sectional study considering sex, age, and training frequency
Characteristics of the efficiency of actions of top-level goalkeepers in soccer
Andrzej Szwarc, Michał Chamera, Henryk Duda, Daniel Memmert, and Lukasz Radziminski
Analysis of the adductors and abductors' maximum isometric strength on the level of speed and agility in basketball players
Paulina Królikowska, Piotr Rodak, Monika Papla, Wojciech Grzyb, and Artur Gołaś
The use of characteristics and indicators of body construction as predictors in the identification of the angle values of the physiological curves of the spine in sequential objective testing - mathematical models
Jacek Tuz, Adam Maszczyk, and Anna Zwierzchowska
Development of the Taekwondo Performance Protocol to Assess Technical Speed and Quickness
Cengiz ÖLMEZ and Selami YÜKSEK
The effects of Dynamic® taping on vertical jumps in adolescent volleyball players with low medial longitudinal arch
Dilek Hande ESEN, Nihan KAFA, Nevin ATALAY GUZEL, and Cengiz AKARCESME
Reduced serum concentrations of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species following strenuous exercise in the heat are not associ-ated with an upregulation in serum antioxidative capacity
Sebastian KELLER, Hannah Lisa NOTBOHM, Wilhelm BLOCH, and Moritz SCHUMANN
Health outcomes of Fitbit, Garmin or Apple Watch-based interventions: A systematic review of systematic reviews
The effect of core training on dynamic balance and strength endurance in junior field hockey players
Senthilkumar RAMASAMY, John FRANKLIN, Pitchaimani GOVINDHARA, and Suganya PANNEERSELVAM
Assessment of posture, spinal mobility and EMG data in patients with spinal stenosis
Does a six-week intervention with added respiratory dead space volume in swimming improve haematological and immunological status?
Stefan Szczepan, Kamil Michalik, and Rafał Hebisz
The Study of the Factors Affecting Stadium Attendance of Yankees' Fans
Aydogan Soyguden and Robert C. Schneider
Relationships between technical and physical match performance in elite soccer
Lukasz Radziminski, Andrzej Szwarc, Zbigniew Jastrzebski, and Agata Rzeszutko-Belzowska
The effects of CYP1A2 and ADORA2A genotypes association with acute caffeine intake on physiological effects and performance: A systematic review
Rabia Rümeysa KOCATÜRK, İlke KARAGÖZ, Ebru YANIK, Öznur Özge ÖZCAN, Türker Tekin ERGÜZEL, Mesut KARAHAN, and Nevzat TARHAN
The potential role of selected body composition phenotypes in the interpretation of the exercise-induced components of the insulin-like growth factor systems
Gökhan UMUTLU and Nevzat DEMIRCI
Quantitative and qualitative criteria for assessing gait speed in women aged 60–75 years – A pilot study
Salivary molecules as indicators of hydration status
Body composition and psychophysical well-being of women practicing yoga
Relationship between lower limb power output, sprint and change of direction performance in soccer players.
Monika Papla, Agata Latocha, Wojciech Grzyb, and Artur Gołaś
The road to championship: An example of an individual with autism spectrum disorder
Halil SAROL, Rıfat Kerem GÜRKAN, and Bülent GÜRBÜZ
Methodological characteristics, physiological and physical effects, and future directions for velocity-based training in soccer: A systematic review
Jorge RIBEIRO, José AFONSO, Miguel CAMÕES, Hugo SARMENTO, Mário SÁ, Ricardo LIMA, and Filipe Manuel CLEMENTE
External load in male professional volleyball: A systematic review
Marcel Frezza Pisa, Arthur Marques Zecchin, Leonardo Gaspar Gomes, and Enrico Fuini Puggina
An assessment of isometric muscle strength and the hamstring: Quadriceps ratio among males trained with free weights vs. machines
Geferson Honorato Da Silva and Alex Souto Maior
EEG neurofeedback and isolation stressor. A systematic review
Kacper Gotner and Marcin Dornowski
Relationship between motor skills and various sailing skills and sports performance – study using the DEMATEL approach
Jedrzej Charlampowicz
The effect of caffeine on countermovement jump performance in recreationally trained women habituated to caffeine
Dawid Gawel, Magdalena Kaszuba, Zuzanna Komarek, Robert Krawczyk, Marta Bichowska, Marcin Jasinski, and Robert Trybulski
Effect of post-activation potentiation on the force, power and rate of power and force development of the upper limbs in mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters, taking into account training experience
Alan Langer, Angelina Ignatieva, Patricia Fischerova, Magdalena Nitychoruk, Artur Gołaś, and Adam Maszczyk
Beta-alanine supplementation and anaerobic performance in highly trained judo athletes
Mateusz Halz, Magdalena Kaszuba, Jonatan Helbin, Sara Krzysztofik, Aleksandra Suchanecka, and Adam Zając
Effect of different diet methods on body composition and insulin, leptin, and ghrelin levels in overweight women
Begum Sarica, Gulbin Rudarli Nalcakan, and Ece Onur
Effectiveness of plyometric or blood flow restriction training on technical kick force in taekwondo
Ayşe Hazal Boyanmış and Manolya Akın
A pilot study to examine the effects of beta-alanine and sodium citrate (CarnoRushTM, Olimp®) supplementation on climbing-specific performance
Krzysztof Sas-Nowosielski and Piotr Kaczka
Fall risk prediction model for older men and women based on ambulatory physical activity level – A cross-sectional population-based study from the Oporto Region
Paulo Jorge Quintela Cardoso-Carmo, Adjane Maria Pontes César, Manuel Rubim Silva Santos, and Maria Joana Mesquita Barbosa de Carvalho
Coping strategies, perception of sport risk and satisfaction with life in men and women practicing extreme sports
Daniel Krokosz and Magdalena Jochimek
Does higher effectiveness means better mood? Training effectiveness and mood alternations in the national finswimming team – An interdisciplinary study
Dagmara Budnik Przybylska, Jacek Przybylski, and Stanislaw Przybylski
Examining an Adapted Version of Ryff’s Scales of Psychological Well-Being in Sport
Despina Kouali, Craig Hall, and Paige Pope
Evaluation and development prospects of the sports and recreation market in Poland in 2000–2030. PEST analysis from a legal, economic, socio-cultural and technological perspective
Joanna Jedel and Pawel Antonowicz
Effect of kinaesthetic differentiation of the in-run position on the jump length in Polish national ski jumpers
Michal Wilk, Lukasz Gebala, Mariola Gepfert, Milosz Drozd, Maciej Kostrzewa, Rafal Piwowar, Wojciech Mroszczyk, and Adam Zajac
Does the spinning exercise affect the ovarian reserve in reproductive-young women?
Umit Gorkem, Faruk Yamaner, Erkan Demi̇rkan, and Hasan Ali Inal
Hypertension, physical activity and other associated factors in military personnel: A cross-sectional study
Lilian Cristina Xavier Martins
Sports events as an effective way of brand marketing communication using the example of the Orlik sports facilities
Lukasz Strzelecki and Tomasz Czuba
The effects of physical activity on glycaemic control in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus participating in diabetes camps
Marcin Sikora, Anna Zwierzchowska, Marzena Jaworska, Magdalena Solich Talanda, Rafal Mikolajczyk, and Aleksandra Zebrowska
Time-motion characteristics of match-play in elite Polish youth soccer players of various playing positions
Bartosz Dolanski, Pawel Rompa, Liu Hongyou, Karol Wasilewski, and Andrzej Szwarc
Supramaximal intermittent exercise ‒A comparison of effects on anaerobic and aerobic capacity in trained prepubertal boys and trained adults
Anna Szczęsna Kaczmarek
Defining changes of physical efficiency in a group of female tennis players aged 9-10 in a one-year course of training
Tomasz Waldzinski, Ewa Waldzinska, Aleksandra Durzynska, and Pawel Skonieczny
Changes in the body posture of elder women under the influence of various Nordic walking training programs
Monika Wiech, Krzysztof Prusik, Zbigniew Ossowski, and Jakub Kortas
Physical activity and spatial use during school breaks in children aged four
Oscar Romero Ramos, Emilio Fernández Rodríguez, Antonio Matas Terrón, Gloria Gonzále Campos, and Robert Podstawski
Workplace exercises. Improvement of postural stability of office workers with spine dysfunctions following a 21-week health training programme
Malłgorzata Kalwa, Bozena Ostrowska, Urszula Zywien, and Tadeusz Stefaniak
Changes in body composition of children aged of 9 to 12 years with excess body weight under the influenceof eight-week workout
Tomasz Dudziak, Zbigniew Czubek, Mirosław Grabowski, and Robert Urbanski
Type of education and life experiencesin the dual career
Marek Graczyk, Anna Nawrocka, Paul Wylleman, Waldemar Moska, Tomasz Tomiak, Milena Lachowicz, and Pawel Drobnik
An effect of 12-week Nordic walking training on the body structure and composition in young women
Malgorzata Charmas, Krzysztof Piech, and Lidia Kosek
Analysis of the kinematic parameters of squatting in subjects with different levels of physical activity – A preliminary study
Magdalena Zawadka, Edyta Lukasik, Maria Skublewska Paszkowska, Jakub Smolka, Piotr Gawda, and Miroslaw Jablonski
Neurofeedback needs support! Effects of neurofeedback-EEG training in terms of the level of attention and arousal control in sports shooters
Miroslaw Mikicin, Marta Sczypanska, and Katarzyna Skwarek
The effects of conventional and minimalist footwear on hip and knee joint kinetics during maximal depth jump
Jonathan Sinclair
Level of psychomotor abilities in handball goalkeepers
Pawel Krawczyk, Slawomir Bodasinski, Anna Bodasinska, and Boguslaw Słupczynski
Is the use of pedometers feasible for identifying the volume and intensityof a balance specific exercise programme for older adults
Darja Rugelj and Renata Vauhnik
IL-6 and IL-1β responses to a carbohydrate-electrolyte drink in orienteering athletes
Gokhan Ipekoglu, Suleyman Gonulates, Fatmanur Er, Metin Yaman, Selma Karacan, Banu Cayci, and Filiz Colakoglu
Incidence of overweight and obesity in women aged 20–59 years from the Świętokrzyskie Region
Andrzej Jopkiewicz and Stanislaw Bogdan Nowak
Changes in the symmetry of the stabilization function of lower limbs in geriatric women versus younger females
Przemyslaw Bujas, Ewa Puszczałowska Liziz, Dariusz Tchorzewski, and Jaroslaw Omorczyk
The effects of concurrent visual versus verbal feedback on swimming strength task execution
Stefan Szczepan, Krystyna Zaton, Francisco Cuenca Fernández, Ana Gay, and Raúl Arellano
Retrospective attitudes towards the assessment system in physical education in the former Soviet Republic of Lithuania: Differences with regard to gender, education, age, and physical activity
Romualdas Malinauskas, Arunas Emeljanovas, and Vilija Malinauskiene
Praxeological evaluation of the efficiency in offensive activities of the individual football players as a determinant in rationalizing and shaping a sports game
Henryk Duda, Dariusz Mucha, Tadeusz Ambrozy, Jaroslaw Omorczyk, Robert Makuch, and Dawid Mucha
Physical fitness, physical activity, psychosocial status and quality of life of adolescent siblings of neurologically disabled children
Elcin Mamak Celik, Arzu Daskapan, and Zehra Güçhan Topcu
Development and standardization of a rating scale designed for floorball skills diagnostics of young school-age children
Zuzanna Dragounova
Organizational change and applicability of Six Sigma Management Modelin the Turkish National Soccer Team
Halil Orbay Cobanoglu, Mustafa Serdar Terekli, Necmi Gursaka, and Necip Serdar Sever
The effect of vitamin D3 on the osteointegration of dental implants
Grzegorz Trybek, Magda Aniko Wlodarczyk, Jakub Kwiatek, Olga Preuss, Andrzej Brodkiewicz, Andrzej Sinicyn, and Anna Grzywacz
Changes in EMG activity of the prime movers during 10 sets of the flat bench press performed to concentric failure
Katarzyna Stronska, Marta Trebert, Artur Golas, Adam Maszczyk, Aleksandra Pięta, Florentyna Tyrala, Patricia Fischerova, and Adam Zajac
Paediatric physical activity and health: Moving towards a measure of quality
Cain C.T. Clark and Claire M. Barnes
Polish adaptation and validation of the Anti-Fat Attitudes Scale – AFAS
Malgorzata Obara-Golebiewska and Justyna Michalek-Kwiecień
Opinions of the students of the University of the Third Age on selected health behaviors and social support – A comparative analysis
Ewa Kupcewicz, Malgorzata Kusmierczyk, Barbara Wilk, Monika Opanowska, and Marcin Pasek
Assessment of the influence of socio-demographic and personality factors on health behaviours in healthy postmenopausal women
Daria Schneider-Matyka, Elzbieta Grochans, Agnieszka Samochowiec, Malgorzata Szkup, Katarzyna Augustyniuk, Anna Jurczak, and Malgorzata Sterczak
Gender differences in motives for participation in sports and exercise among Norwegian adolescents
Arne Martin Jakobsen and Elisabeth Evjen
Sports events as a determinant of sport tourism
Wojciech Ratkowski and Jadwiga Ratkowska
Resiliency in mainstream school teachers versus special school teachers
Aleksandra Sadziak, Wojciech Wilinski, and Marta Wieczorek
The entrepreneurship of host cities of the Olympic Games – Between success and social destruction
Joanna Jedel and Jaroslaw Zietarski
Prevalence of physical inactivity and associated factors among adults in Harar town, Eastern Ethiopia
Chalchisa Abdeta, Zelalem Teklemariam, and Berhanu Seyoum
Athletes with disability in the light of positive psychology
Iwona Sikorska and Krzysztof Gerc
The impact of the visual concurrent swimming speed control on improving the economization of swimming
Stefan Szczepan, Krystyna Zaton, and Jacek Borkowski
Health behaviours as mediators of relationships between the actual image and real and ideal images of one’s own body
Anna Lysak, Dominika Wilczynska, Anna Walentukiewicz, Magdalena Podczarska-Glowacka, and Karol Karasiewicz
Selected dietary restrictions and the frequency of alcohol consumption among adolescents
Mariusz Jaworski and Anna Fabisiak
Assessment of fatigue and the overtraining syndrome in female spinning instructors based on a survey and on the expression of selected genes
Iwona Bonislawska, Aleksandra Patyna, Jacek Wilczynski, Robert Urbanski, and Malgorzata Zychowska
Assessment of body water spaces & mineral content in trained athletes of different sports using bioelectrical impedance analysis
Abhishek Bandyopadhyay, Subhra Chatterjee, Sujata Jana, and Swapan K. Dey
The influence of dance on selected risk factors of falls in Parkinson’s disease patients – A pilot study
Bogna Listewnik and Zbigniew Marcin Ossowski
Ways of settling a judo fight at consecutive stages of sports competitions
Marek Adam, Beata Wolska, and Sergey Tabakov
Dynamics of variation of sports performance in light of Time Series based on Artificial Neural Networks in swimming
Wojciech Rejdych, Aleksandra Filip, Jakub Karpinski, Magdalena Krawczyk, Jakub Jarosz, Teresa Socha, and Adam Maszczyk
Changes in EMG activity of the prime movers during 10 sets of the flat bench press performed to concentric failure
Katarzyna Stronska, Marta Trebent, Artur Golas, Adam Maszczyk, and Adam Zajac
Fracture of the lateral tibial condyle with depression of the articular surface - A case report
Krzysztof Ficek, Paulina Cyganik, Magdalena Strozik, Anna Serniak, and Joanna Rajca
Validation of accelerometer for measuring physical activity in free-living individuals
George O. Agogo, Hilko van der Voet, Paul J.M. Hulshof, Pieter van ’t Veer, Laura Trijsburg, Fred A. van Eeuwijk, and Hendriek C. Boshuizen
The effect of nicotine on oral health
Grzegorz Trybek, Magda Aniko-Wlodarczyk, Olga Preuss, Piotr Kuligowski, Ewa Gabrysz-Trybek, Aleksandra Suchanecka, Patryk Niewczas, and Anna Grzywacz
The professional profile of a leisure time animator in tourism and recreation services
Magdalena Rokicka-Hebel, Julia Ziolkowska, and Aleksandra Patyna
Diversified health-related Nordic walking training programs and physical fitness of elderly women
Monika Wiech, Krzysztof Prusik, Zbigniew Ossowski, Katarzyna Prusik, Jakub Kortas, Hanna Slomska, and Lukasz Bielawa
Perceptive ability of female students of the University of the Third Age and its links with physical fitness and mood
Joanna Piotrowska, Monika Guszkowska, Ewa Kozdron, Ewa Niedzielska, Anna Les, and Bartlomiej Krynicki
Healthy aging: Quality of life and health behaviours in students of the University of the Third Age – A preliminary study
Justyna Krzepota, Dorota Sadowska, and Beata Florkiewicz
Health disorders and exercising behaviour that characterize the transitional stage of first-year students at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences
Vida Juškelienė and Aušra Kalinkevičienė
Influence of sport activity on satisfaction with life and sense of coherence among physically disabled people
Artur Ziolkowski, Igor Zubrzycki, Aleksandra Blachnio, Pawel Drobnik, Barbara Zatanska, and Waldemar Moska
The level of body balance in a handstand and the effectiveness of sports training in gymnastics
Andrzej Kochanowicz, Kazimierz Kochanowicz, Bartlomiej Niespodzinski, Jan Mieszkowski, and Leon Biskup
Preferences in the use of nutritional supplements and the correctness of their selection for training purposes
Robert Korczak, Marek Kruszewski, Artur Kruszewski, Stanislaw Kuzmicki, Agnieszka Olszewska, Grzegorz Kepa, and Karol Landowski
The effectiveness of various verbal information in learning backward roll
Tomasz Niznikowski, Marta Nogal, Michal Biegajlo, Waldemar Wisniowski, and Ewelina Niznikowska
Imagery use in rehabilitation after the knee joint arthroscopy
Dominika Wilczynska, Anna Lysak, and Magdalena Podczarska-Glowacka
The effect of specific strength training on the quality of gymnastic elements execution in young gymnasts
Stanislaw Zasada, Mariusz Zasada, Andrzej Kochanowicz, Bartlomiej Niespodzinski, Michal Sawczyn, and Viktor Mishchenko
Physical activity and body image of women: literature review
Sonia Mosur-Kaluza and Monika Guszkowska
The role of myofascial massage in spinal pains in professionally active women
Malgorzata Kawa, Karol Orlowski, and Malgorzata Kowza-Dzwonkowska
Evaluation of the efficacy of low level laser therapy and cryotherapy in the treatment of gonarthrosis
Agnieszka Radziminska, Magdalena Weber-Rajek, Justyna Lewandowska, Ewelina Lulinska-Kuklik, Agnieszka Straczynska, and Waldemar Moska
Pain tolerance in sport
Ewelina Salwin and Agnieszka Zajac
The individual technical and tactical profile of a leading Polish judoka in the +100 kg weight category and his somatic composition in comparison to the world elite
Stanislaw Kuzmicki, Artur Kruszewski, Marek Kruszewski, Marek Adam, Maciej Sarnacki, and Ryszard Pujszo
Local cryotherapy in tennis elbow (lateral epicodylitis)
Malgorzata Kawa and Malgorzata Kowza-Dzwonkowska
Immediate and mid-term effects of elastic taping on gymnast’s postural control performance during a handstand
Pia M. Vinken and Thomas Heinen
How can cognitive science contribute to sport? How can sport contribute to neuroscience?
Slawomir Kujawski and Agnieszka Kujawska
Injuries and factors determining their occurrence in paratroopers of airborne forces
Bartosz Trybulec and Edyta Majchrzak
Analysis of the athlete burnout phenomenon: The past, the present and the future of athlete burnout research
Alena Akhrem and Zuzanna Gazdowska
The assessment of intellectualisation of the movement techniques teaching in terms of effective and pro-health training in young football players
Henryk Duda, Dariusz Mucha, Tadeusz Ambrozy, Jaroslaw Omorczyk, Ewa Dybinska, and Dawid Mucha
The use of combination therapy in rehabilitation of patients with hip osteoarthritis – preliminary report
Magdalena Podczarska-Glowacka, Anna Lysak, and Rafal Szulc-Cieplicki
Task dependency of movement regulation in female gymnastic vaulting
Thomas Heinen, Isabell Artmann, Anja Brinker, and Marc Nicolaus
The hostility syndrome as a profile differentiating football spectators
Karol Gorner, Janusz Zielinski, and Adam Jurczak
Physical activity in youth and level of kinesiophobia in older adults
Edward Saulicz, Andrzej Knapik, Mariola Saulicz, Pawel Linek, Jerzy Rottermund, Tomasz Wolny, and Andrzej Mysliwiec
The quality of life profile among students of the University of the Third Age
Ewa Kupcewicz, Malgorzata Kusmierczyk, Barbara Wilk, Agnieszka Zajaczkowska, and Aleksandra Zakrzewska
The kinematics of taekwon-do back kick
Jacek Wasik and Tomasz Gora
An assessment of shape of the longitudinal and the transverse foot arch in male and female pole vaulters
Monika Opanowska and Elzbieta Ptretkiewicz-Abacjew
Specifics of morphological factor among girls practicing artistic gymnastics at the stage of basic training
Wieslawa Pilewska, Robert Pilewski, and Agnieszka Barczewska
Comparison of time-motion analysis and physiological responses during small-sided games in male and female soccer players
Zbigniew Jastrzebski, Lukasz Radziminski, and Piotr Stepien
Dependence between body image and motivation in a group of professional swimmers and track-athletes
Aleksandra Budzisz and Monika Nawrocka
Domain-specific physical activity among indigenous overweight and obese communities in Sarawak
Ching Thon Chang, Whye Lian Cheah, Helmy Hazmi, and Wan Abdul Manan Wan Muda
The role of physical activity in supporting treatment of coxarthrosis symptoms in elderly patients
Malgorzata Kawa, Malgorzata Kowza-Dzwonkowska, and Agnieszka Schenk
Typology of consumer behaviors during the 2012 UEFA European Championships
Monika Piatkowska, Sylwia Goclowska, and Jolanta Zysko
An assessment of the impact of special training of inspiratory muscles in a fitness classes programme on physical capacity of 20-25-year-old women
Agnieszka Cybulska and Pawel Drobnik
Changes in special fitness efficiency of ten-year-old tennis players in the annual training cycle
Tomasz Waldzinski and Ewa Waldzinska
Correlations between psychomotor abilities and selected personality variables in rowers
Dominika Wilczynska
Relationship between age and handgrip strength indexes in elderly women with low bone mass. Preliminary study
Zbigniew Ossowski, Krzysztof Prusik, Jakub Kortas, Monika Wiech, Lukasz Bielawa, and Katarzyna Prusik
Incidence of injuries in the opinion of young volleyball players and ways to prevent them
Monika Opanowska, Barbara Wilk, Malgorzata Kusmierczyk, and Karol Opanowski
Self-regulation strategies used by men and women attending to fitness clubs
Krzysztof Sas-Nowosielski and Sylwia Szopa
The importance of functional diagnostics in preventing and rehabilitating gymnast injuries with the assistance of the tensiomyography (TMG) method: A case study
Almir Atikovic, Mitija Samardzija Pavletic, and Muhamed Tabakovic
Vertical jump peak power estimation in young male gymnasts
Andrzej Kochanowicz, Bartłomiej Niespodzinski, Jan Mieszkowski, Kaizmierz Kochanowicz, and Mariusz Zasada
Reliability and validity of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire in Lithuania
Alvydas Kalvenas, Ionuţ Burlacu, and Karim Abu-Omar
An analysis of the correlation between kinesthetic differentiation capacity and the maximum force level in lower limbs
Dariusz Harmacinski, Tadeusz Stefaniak, Anna Burdukiewicz, Jadwiga Pietraszewska, Aleksandra Stachon, Justyna Andrzejewska, Krystyna Chromik, Kazimierz Witkowski, and Jarosław Maslinski
Volleyball players’ somatic composition in the light of sports results at 2014 FIVB Volleyball Men's World Championship
Krzysztof Wnorowski and Karol Cieminski
Endurance skills of young team game players
Pawel Chmura, Kamil Swierzko, Justyna Andrzejewska, Marek Popowczak, Andrzej Dudkowski, Marek Konefal, and Andrzej Rokita
The efficiency of actions of goalkeepers from sports effective teams in a game of futsal in matches of the final tournament of the World and European Championships in 2012
Mateusz Oszmaniec and Andrzej Szwarc
Changes in leukocyte HSPA1A, HSPB1 mRNA in basketball players after plyometric training
Malgorzata Zychowska, Eglė Kemerytė-Riaubienė, Audrius Gocentas, Nijole Jascaniniene, and Grzegorz Chruscinski
Judoists’ tactical and technical efficiency during the World Championships in 2014 and 2015
Marek Adam, Piotr Klimowicz, and Ryszard Pujszo
The effect of 3-week sanatorium rehabilitation on exercise capacity and subjective perception of health of patients with asthma and COPD
Rafal Szafraniec, Piotr Jozefowski, and Anna Chojnowska
The effect of rest interval length on the repetitions recovery during lower body resistance exercises
Hamid Arazi, Morteza Sangdevini, Mohammad Reza Hossein Abadi, and Amin Sohbatzadeh
The effect of front and back squat techniques on peak loads experienced by the Achilles tendon
Jonathan Sinclair, Chris Edmundson, Stephen Atkins, Paul John Taylor, and Hayley Vincent
Side to side differences in patellar tendon kinetics of the support limb during maximal instep soccer kicking
Jonathan Kenneth Sonclair, Hannah Shore, Stephen Atkins, and Sarah Jane Hobbs
Characteristics of leisure sports activity in a population with high cardio-vascular disease mortality
Mikola Misjuk, Margit Kaldmäe, Margus Annuk, and Margus Viigimaa
Position accuracy and fix rate of athletes in location monitoring
Cezary Specht and Tomasz Szot
Intermittent exercise models may be basic in research of creatine complex effects in aerobic and anaerobic performance of athletes and Cr supplementation influence
Anna Szczesna-Kaczmarek
Effects of semi-custom and off-the-shelf orthoses on Achilles tendon and patellofemoral kinetics in female runners
Jonathan Sinclair, Jim D. Richards, and Hannah Shore
Influence of Nordic Walking training on static and dynamic body balance among the elderly
Zbigniew Ossowski, Marek Wawryniuk, and Vida Janina Česnaitienė
Physical activity as a pro-health behaviour in the opinion of adult women
Maria Lipko and Anna Darmas
Efficiency of the training process in dance sport athletes at the comprehensive stage of training
Agnieszka Zabrocka, Tomasz Dancewicz, and Agnieszka Supinska
The influence of socioeconomic and psychological factors on the popularity of sauna treatment among female university students
Robert Podstawski, Antti Honkanen, Anja Tuohino, and Renata Gizinska
The set of test tasks assessing special physical fitness of 17-year-old soccer players
Andrzej Szwarc, Bartosz Dolanski, and Patrycja Lipinska
Strategies of return to self-regulation among obese people: Implementation of goal’s intention and motivation to weight reduction
Malgorzata Obara-Golebiowska and Hanna Brycz
Predictors of physical activity for weekdays and weekends among adolescent – a cross-sectional study in Sarawak, Malaysia
Whye Lian Cheah, Helmy Hazmi, and Ching Thon Chang
The role of self-efficacy in undertaking health-seeking behaviours by physical education teachers
Zaneta Szczepanska-Klunder and Mariusz Lipowski
A cross-sectional study analysing the association between habitual physical activity levels and quality of life in adults with asthma
Adeel Nazir Ahmad and Kimberley L. Edwards
The construction and empirical verification of the Sense of Team Efficacy Questionnaire (Kwestionariusz Poczucia Druzynowej Skutecznosci)
Zuzanna Walach-Bista
Short Hebrew International Physical Activity Questionnaire: Reliability and Validity
Eyal Weissblueth
Examining the correlates of out-of-school television viewing, computer use and overall time in sedentary behaviors among Finnish 11-year-old children
Suvi Määttä, Teija Nuutinen, Carola Ray, Johan G. Eriksson, Elisabete Weiderpass, and Eva Roos
Students’ attitude to and motivation for outdoor life
Inga Liepina and Daina Krausta
The appeal of and interest in Nordic walking in the opinion of 9-18-year-old pupils from selected Tricity schools
Malgorzata Pogorzelska, Tomasz Frolowicz, Pawel Drobnik, Agnieszka Cybulska, Iwona Bonislawska, and Aleksandra Bartosiewicz
The influence of intention implementation on throw effectiveness of young basketball players
Dominika Wilczynska, Patrycja Lipinska, and Malgorzata Wolujewicz-Czerlonko
Correlations between individual factors and long-term nature of tourist trips amongst urban single people
Elzbieta Biernat and Adrian P. Lubowiecki-Vikuk
Sports Arena vs. Crowd Psychology – A Psychosocial Analysis of Polish Football Fans’ Participation in UEFA EURO 2012
Leslaw Kulmatycki
Changes in the group’s social structure in mountain tourism
Gheorghe Lucaciu, Marius Alin Marinau, Mirela Stef, and Paul Florian Dragos
Systematic review of the bioecological theory in sport sciences
Marcio Domingues and Carlos Eduardo Barros Goncalves
Motives for participation in active sport tourism – participants of holiday windsurfing camps
Rajmund Tomik, Katarzyna Gorska, Adam Staszkiewicz, and Jacek Polechonski
Barriers of physical activity (kinesiophobia) in patients subjected to cardiac rehabilitation
Janusz Kocjan and Andrzej Knapik
Functional conditions of three-dimensional correction of side curvatures of the spine
Andrzej Suchanowski and Andrzej Stolarz
Religiousness and health locus of control in Polish Physical Education students
Monika Guszkowska and Anna Kuk
Study regarding the role of motivation in the sport performance activities
Paul Florian Dragos
The role of selected intrapsychic factors in alpine skiing instruction
Krzysztof Makowski, Piotr Aschenbrenner, and Bartosz Krawczynski
Effect of moderate and high intensity training sessions on cardiopulmonary chemosensitivity and time-based characteristics of response in high performance rowers
Tomasz Tomiak, Viktor Mishchenko, Elena Lusenko, Andriej Diachenko, and Adam Korol
Rehabilitation of children with movement disorders resulting from cerebral palsy
Lyudmila V. Sharova, Nikolay M. Belokrylov, and Jana V. Nenakhova
Examining body image and its relationship to exercise motivation: An 18-week cardiovascular program for female initiates with overweight and obesity
Erin S. Pearson and Craig R. Hall
The Image of a Football Fan as Depicted in Research Literature and the Present Study
Franciszek Makurat
An assessment of a volleyball player’s loads in a match on the basis of the number and height of jumps measured in real-time conditions
Krzysztof Wnorowski, Piotr Aschenbrenner, Jerzy Skrobecki, and Mirella Stech
Motivations for undertaking physical activity by first-year students of Faculty of Physical Education in 2000 and 2010
Alicja Nowak-Zaleska, Ryszard Zaleski, Barbara Wilk, and Anna Walentukiewicz
Sense of coherence as a moderator of health- -related behavior of physical education teachers
Zaneta Szczepanska-Klunder and Mariusz Lipowski
Association of the ACTN3 R577X polymorphism in Polish rowers
Zbigniew Jastrzebski, Agata Leonska-Duniec, Marek Kolbowicz, and Tomasz Tomiak
Evaluation of analgesic effectiveness of infrared radiation and interference currents in degenerative diseases
Malgorzata Kawa, Ewa Muszynska, and Malgorzata Kowza-Dzwonkowska
Physical activity and the impacts of built environment on the use of neighboring sports equipment by elementary and high schools: The case of the “Blue, White, Move” [Bleu, Blanc, Bouge] skating rink in Montreal-North
Romain Roult, Jean-Marc Adjizian, Sylvain Lefebvre, and Lucie Lapierre
Motivation for Undertaking Extracurricular Physical Activity in Adolescents
Izabela Droblinska, Agata Hejmowska, and Natalia Mazurkiewicz
Generic versus specific sprint training in young soccer players
Zbigniew Jastrzebski, Lukasz Radziminski, Robert Dargiewicz, Ewelina Jaskulska, Wojciech Barnat, and Pawel Rompa
Motivations and effects of practicing Nordic Walking by elderly people
Andrzej Knapik, Edward Saulicz, Andrzej Mysliwiec, Mariola Saulicz, and Aneta Warmuz-Wancisiewicz
Corrective gymnastics and motor skills of fiveand six-year-old children
Magdalena Rokicka-Hebel
Gender differences in the Achilles tendon load during the fencing lunge
Jonathan Kenneth Sinclair and Lindsay Bottoms
Trends in the gameplay of European football players
Andrzej Soroka
The somatic physique versus the sports result of tennis players of the Pupils’ Sports Club “Return” Lomza, Poland
Kazimierz Kochanowicz and Tomasz Waldzinski
Psychological Aspects of the Polish National Team Performance at EURO 2012 Tournament in the Opinion of Students from Sports- and Humanities-Oriented Universities
Daniel Krokosz, Magdalena Jochimek, and Mariusz Lipowski
Differences in bioelectrical activity of quadriceps muscle during various types of contraction
Bartlomiej Niespodzinski, Malgorzata Lukowicz, and Jan Mieszkowski
Changes in maximal aerobic fitness and students’ attitude towards physical effort during outdoor and indoor school lessons of Physical Education
Marcin Pasek, Monika Michalowska-Sawczyn, and Alicja Nowak-Zaleska
The method of goalkeeper’s evaluation in futsal
Andrzej Szwarc, Mateusz Oszmaniec, and Patrycja Lipinska
An analysis of the barbell motion depending on its weight in disabled powerlifting
Wojciech Seidel and Anna Zurowska
Underweight, overweight and obesity in boys and girls at the age of 7-18 years from the Podlaskie Province (Poland) in the years 1986 and 2006
Jerzy Saczuk and Agnieszka Wasiluk
Physical fitness and selected parameters of the respiratory system and other somatic components among 12-year-old children
Marcin Pasek and Janusz Jerzemowski
Risk Factors for Disagreement between Self and Proxy Reports on Physical Activity of Children and Young Adolescents
Aleksander Galas and Marzena Florek
Kinematic analysis as a part of objective method of functional classification in disability swimming – Pilot studies
Alicja K. Dziuba, Agata Kolodziej, and Anna Zurowska
Daily step counts and selected biological and psychological variables in 16-18-year-old girls
Adam Kantanista, Pawel Lisowski, and Agata Glapa
Assessment of the impact of one-year training in acrobatic rock’n’roll on overall motor coordination in eight-year-old children
Robert Walaszek and Tomasz Nosal
Gender differences in Body Mass Index and physical activity of students of the University of Tuzla
Almir Atikovic, Sanjin Hodzic, Jasmin Bilalic, Jasmin Mehinovic, Amra Nozinovic Mujanovic, Edin Mujanovic, and Alen Kapidzic
Are changes in HSPA1A, HSPB1 and LDHb genes expression during physical performance ”till exhaustion” independent of their exercise possibility?
Zbigniew Jastrzebski and Malgorzata Zychowska
Physical activity and BMI in students beginning their studies at the Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport in the academic year 1999/2000 and 2009/2010
Alicja Nowak-Zaleska, Ryszard Zaleski, Barbara Wilk, and Anna Walentukiewicz
Polish Fans’ Emotions during EURO 2012
Ina Wilczewska and Pawel Boski
The influence of lower extremity coronal plane movements on the passive regulation of instantaneous loading mechanics during running
Jonathan Kenneth Sinclair, Paul John Taylor, and Sarah Jane Hobbs
Influence of strength, endurance and concurrent training on the lipid profile and blood testosterone and cortisol response in young male wrestlers
Seyed Javad Mirghani, Hamid Agha Alinejad, Mohammad Ali Azarbayjani, Ahmad Mazidi, and Seyed Ali Mirghani
The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players
Zbigniew Jastrzbeski, Krzysztof Wnorowski, Ryszard Mikolajewski, Ewelina Jaskulska, and Lukasz Radziminski
Comparing the physical activity patterns of 3-year-old Finnish and Australian children during childcare and homecare days
Anne Soini, Anthony Watt, Tuija Tammelin, Markus Soini, Arja Sääkslahti, and Marita Poskiparta
Body balance in a free-standing position in road and off-road cyclists
Paulina Hebisz, Rafal Hebisz, and Marek Zaton
Mass Media and Professional Sport
Zbigniew Dziubinski, Krzysztof W. Jankowski, Michal Lenartowicz, Julia Murrmann, and Piotr Rymarczyk
Gender inequalities in Polish and international sports organisations
Zbigniew Dziubinski and Natalia Organista
Questionnaire of Sports Ethics – A Tool for Assessing Moral Behaviour in Sport
Artur Ziolkowski, Anna Strzalkowska, Wojciech Saklak, Barbara Zaranska, and Iwona Bonislawska
Methods to encourage healthy eating in children: Review of current findings
Reda Moceviciene and Apolinaras Zaborskis
Proposal of an Observation Sheet for Basketball Players’ Performance Assessment
Andrzej Szwarc and Izabela Lekner
Factors affecting recreational activity of young people from secondary schools
Agnieszka Wartecka-Wazynska
The Assessment of the Quality of Health Related Websites by Students of Physical Education and Physiotherapy Using the DISCERN Instrument
Ida Laudanska-Krzeminska
Acute effects of light exercise on subjectively experienced well-being: Benefits in only three minutes
Attila Szabo, Zoltan Gaspar, and Julia Abraham
Directions and Ways of Executing Judo Throws During Judo Contests as a Control Criterion of an Individual’s Training Versatility
Marek Adam, Radoslaw Laskowski, and Miroslaw Smaruj
Characteristics of technical-tactical preparation of Russian men’s judo representation during the Olympic Games in London in 2012
Marek Adam, Beata Wolska, Piotr Klimowicz, and Miroslaw Smaruj
Aerobic and Anaerobic Endurance of Disabled Swimmers in Special Preparation Sub-Period
Rafal Szafraniec, Wojciech Seidel, Dawid Kruszyna, and Anna Zurowska
Plantar pressure distribution in ice skates while gliding and standing compared to barefoot and trainer conditions
Andrew Greenhalgh, Faye Chatterly, Cheryl Blewitt, Jonathan Sinclair, and Nachiappan Chockalingam
The Long Lasting Effects of Whole Body Rotation Vibration in a Fitness Exercise Program on Flexibility and Motor Coordination in Young Females
Tomasz Tomiak, Maria Agnieszka Niewiadomska, Mariusz Zasada, Ludmila J. Melnik, Viktor S. Mishchenko, and Stanislaw Sawczyn
Blood K+ concentration balance after prolonged submaximal exercise – The role of both uptake and excretion processes
Anna Szczesna-Kaczmarek
Students’ Knowledge Concerning the Correct Squat and the Elements of the Methodology of Teaching It
Dariusz Czaprowski, Agnieszka Kedra, and Ryszard Biernat
Psychophysical Motivational Effects of Music on Competitive Swimming
Stefan Szczepan and Leslaw Kulmatycki
The Views of Women Practising Artistic Gymnastics, Rhythmic Gymnastics and Acrobatics Gymnastics on Their Disciplines
Anna Perzynska-Biskup, Leon Biskup, and Stanislaw Sawczyn
Factors Determining the Level of Physical Activity among Warsaw Institutes Employees
Elzbieta Biernat
Health Locus of Control of Polish Undergraduates: Gender, Faculty and Type of Physical Activity Differences
Monika Guszkowska and Anna Kuk
Age-Related Differences of Hamstring Flexibility in Male Soccer Players
Pantelis Theo Nikolaïdis
The State of Knowledge of Dietary, Physiological and Pharmacological Supplementation and the Preferential Use of These Substances by Persons Practising Recreational Bodybuilding
Marek Kruszewski, Wladyslaw Jagiello, and Rafal Kutwin
The Efficiency of Players of Action-Effective Football Teams in One against One Situations
Andrzej Szwarc, Krzysztof Kromke, and Patrycja Lipinska
Application of the AS-4 Software in Research on Players’ Kinematics on a Large Area in 3D Coordinates As an Alternative to Commercial Programs
Piotr Aschenbrenner, Wlodzimierz S. Erdmann, and Patrycja Lipinska
The Construction of the Factor Model for Fitness Assessment in Ice Hockey Players
Marek Kokinda, Robert Kandrac, and Milan Turek
The Effect of Immediate Verbal Feedback on the Efficiency and the Effectiveness of Swimming
Krystyna Zaton and Stefan Szczepan
Physical Effort Ability in Counter Movement Jump Depending on the Kind of Warm-Up and Surface Temperature of the Quadriceps
Jakub Grzegorz Adamczyk, Dariusz Boguszewski, and Marcin Siewierski
Dependence between Body Tissue Composition and Results Achieved by Weightlifters
Jerzy Saczuk and Agnieszka Wasiluk
The Effect of Sodium Bicarbonate Supplement on Lactic Acid, Ammonia and the Performance of 400 Meters Male Runners
Roghaye Jadidi Pouzash, Mohammad Ali Azarbayjani, Jadidi Jabriel Pouzesh, Karim Alamdari Azali, and Hoseyn Fatolahi
Relationships between Chosen Motor and Morphological Characteristics of Young Men and Women: Longitudinal Research
Marek Drozdowski and Ewa Ziolkowska-Lajp
Test 8 × 32.8 m as a Diagnostic and Fitness Level Control Indicator in Basketball (Diagnostic Test in Basketball)
Stanislaw Przybylski, Piotr Makar, and Grzegorz Bielec
An Interaction between Exercise Order and Rest Interval during Lower-Body Resistance Exercise
Hamid Arazi, Bahman Mirzaei, Morteza Sangdevini, and Mohammad Reza Hossein Abadi
Proposal to use an obstructed timed “up & go” test to assess the risk of falling in healthy elderly individuals
Masanobu Uchiyama and Shinichi Demura
Taijiquan in the prevention of symptoms of Parkinson’s disease – A comparative analysis of research results
Malgorzata Kawa, Mateusz Kajnat, and Krzysztof Klukowski
Sensitivity to pain and strategies of coping with stress in combat athletes
Katarzyna Leznicka, Anna Starkowska, Agnieszka Lulinska, and Magdalena Kowalczyk
Spatial diversity of the activity of sports clubs in Poland in 2016
Tomasz Michalski and Tomasz Wiskulski
Health behaviors in early adulthood
Magdalena Weber-Rajek, Ewelina Lulinska-Kuklik, Agnieszka Radziminska, and Waldemar Moska
The importance of the type of sport and life experience in the dual career in elite sport based on the analysis of Poland
Marek Graczyk, Paul I. Wylleman, Anna Nawrocka, Pawel A. Atroszko, Waldemar Moska, Tomasz Tomiak, and Hubert Krzysztofiak
Social, Educational and Sports Character of Football Academy in Malbork
Wojciech Barnat, Zbigniew Jstrzebski, Anna Konieczna, Lukasz Radziminski, Ewelina Jaskulska, and Marta Bichowska
Diversity of factors determining physical activity in youth in Visegrad countries
Ewelina Niznikowska, Jozef Bergier, Barbara Bergier, Pongrac Acs, Jan Junger, and Ferdinand Salonna
The Modulation of Verbal Information As a Factor Stimulating Conscious Differentiation of Kinaesthetic Sensations in the Aquatic Environment
Andrzej Klarowicz, Bartosz Groffik, and Marek Rejman
Physical activity and sport as a protective factor against health--threatening experiments with adulthood
Magdalena Jochimek, Daniel Krokosz, and Mariusz Lipowski
The Evolution of Physical Activity Guidelines
Monika Piatkowska and Ingrid Ružbarská
The effect of the cluster randomized HIPPA intervention on childcare children’s overall physical activity
Marjo Anette Mehtala, Arja Saakslahti, Anne Soini, Tuija Tammelin, Janne Kulmala, Jari Villberg, Kari Nissinen, and Marita Poskiparta
Respiratory System Parameters and Other Somatic Indicators of Fitness in Primary School Pupils Exemplified in the Pomeranian Province
Marcin Pasek and Janusz Jerzemowski
Physical activity levels of rural and urban seniors in the region of Warmia and Mazury in Poland
Aneta Omelan, Robert Podstawski, Bogdan Wziatek, Rafael Merino-Marbán, and Oscar Romero-Ramos
The Contest Effectiveness of the Men’s National Judo Team of Japan and Character of Their Technical-Tactical Preparation during the World Judo Championships 2010
Marek Adam, Slawomir Tyszkowski, and Miroslaw Smaruj
Socio-Psychological Determinants of Physical Fitness and a Value System of a Reference Group Based on the Case of the Polish Handball Federation’s Referees
Piotr Wlodarczyk, Anna Strzalkowska, and Artur Ziolkowski
The Level of Physical Development and Physical Fitness in 6–7-Year-Old Children from School and Pre-School Institutions in Gdansk
Malgorzata Resiak and Aleksandra Resiak
Effects of court-specific and minimalist footwear on patellar tendon loading during a maximal change of direction task
Jonathan Sinclair and Paul John Taylor
Reconsidering on the Early Types of Football
Yiannis Giossos, Aristomenis Sotiropoulos, Athanasios Souglis, and Georgia Dafopoulou
Candidates for the First Year of Studies at the University Level Institution of Physical Education and Their Physical Activity
Alicja Nowak-Zaleska
Simple and Multiple Correlations between Emotional Intelligence and General Health in Personnel of Physical Education Offices
Farzad Maleki, Parvaneh Shafie Nia, Abdolhamid Habibi, and Esmael Saemi
Challenges of female vault finals for the 2008–2016 period
Suncica Delas Kalinski, Almir Atikovic, and Igor Jelaska
Positive Personality Traits As an Element of Creating the Image of a Physical Education Teacher
Miroslaw Zalech
The Range of Thoracic-Lumbar Segment of Spine Mobility in Saggital and Transverse Plane among Young Men Divided into Three Groups Differing in the Current Commitment to Physical Activity
Monika Orzechowska and Elzbieta Pretkiewicz-Abacjew
A Profile of Joanna Majdan’s Individual Technical-Tactical Preparation
Marek Adam and Joanna Majdan
Effects of 6-week basketball training using the modified circuit weight method
Jaroslaw Omorczyk, Tadeusz Ambroży, Ewa Puszczalowska-Lizis, Mateusz Nowak, and Andrzej Markowski
Evaluation of Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) among Healthy and Obese Health Professionals in Central India
Abhinav Singh and Bharathi Purohit
Selected Health Attitudes (Physical Activity and Nutrition) of 18-Year-Old Girls Graduating from Secondary Schools of Tricity
Anna Walentukiewicz, Anna Lysak, and Barbara Wilk
Electromyography Signal Analysis of the Fencing Lunge by Magda Mroczkiewicz, the Leading World Female Competitor in Foil
Andrzej Suchanowski, Zbigniew Boryszewski, and Piotr Pakosz
Muscle Strength and Technical Skills in 17–19-Year-Old Judoists
Marcin Dornowski, Wladyslaw Jagiello, and Miroslaw Smaruj
The diagnostic value of attributes from an optimum set of variables for explaining an outcome in powerlifting at the junior level
Lukasz Plociennik, Igor Rygula, Tomasz Dancewicz, and Krzysztof Łukaszuk
Training Load Structure of Young Soccer Players in a Typical Training Microcycle during the Competitive and the Transition Period
Andrzej Glowacki, Wojciech Ignatiuk, Anna Konieczna, and Zbigniew Jastrzebski
Differentiation of the Body Composition in the Polish National Team Pentathletes
Wladyslaw Jagiello, Roman M. Kalina, and Marina Jagiello
Model Characteristics of Special Fitness of Pole Vault Jumpers Aged 12-17
Kazimierz Kochanowicz and Mariusz Klimek
Changes of Physical Capacity and Soccer-Related Skills in Young Soccer Players within a One-Year Training Period
Zbigniew Jastrzebski, Wojciech Barnat, Anna Konieczna, Pawel Rompa, and Lukasz Radziminski
Fundamental movement skills of six- to seven-year-old children in the first grade of elementary school: A pilot study
Marcin Korbecki, Sara Wawrzyniak, and Andrzej Rokita
The Impact of 32 Days’ Exposure to Hypobaric Hypoxia on Physiological Cost of Sub-Maximal Work Performed at the Sea Level
Sylwester Kujach, Tomasz Grzywacz, Ewa Ziemann, Robert Szymczak, Marcin Luszczyk, and Radoslaw Laskowski
Lactate Threshold Changes in Soccer Players during the Preparation Period
Zbigniew Jastrzebski, Robert Dargiewicz, Wojciech Ignatiuk, Lukasz Radziminski, Pawel Rompa, and Anna Konieczna
The Influence of Various Fitness Forms on the Reduction of the Adipose Tissue
Jakub Grzegorz Adamczyk, Karolina Brzezek-Zukowska, and Dariusz Boguszewski
Effect of Training on Morphological, Physiological and Biochemical Variables of U-19 Soccer Players
Indranil Manna, Gulshan Lal Khanna, and Prakash Chandra Dhara
Training-related modulations of the respiratory hypoxic and hypercapnic response sensitivity in young elite endurance athletes
Tomasz Tomiak, Olena Lusenko, and Viktor Mishchenko
Muscle Strength and Power of Elite Female and Male Swimmers
Krzysztof Busko and Jan Gajewski
The Effects of Whey Protein Supplementation on Performance and Hormonal Adaptations Following Resistance Training in Novice Men
Hamid Arazi, Mehdi Hakimi, and Kako Hoseini
Differences in Force-Velocity Characteristics of Upper and Lower Limbs of Male Kickboxers
Panteleïmon T. Nikolaïdis, Georgios Fragkiadiakis, Vassilios E. Papadopoulos, and Nikolaos V. Karydis
Kinematics Tactics in Swimming Races on the Example of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and the Rome 2009 World Championships
Patrycja Lipinska
Usage of near infrared spectroscopy in physiotherapy
Maciej Chroboczek, Aleksandra Jabłonska, Rafal Kubiak, Sylwester Kujach, Marcin Luszczyk, and Radoslaw Laskowski
The role of physical activity in instilling healthy lifestyle habits in children
Malgorzata Kostecka, Monika Bojanowska, and Monika Stoma
Psychometric properties and validation of the Polish adaptation of the Trait Sport-Confidence Inventory(TSCI-PL)
Zuzanna Gazdowska, Dariusz Parzelski, and Robin Vealey
The place of bodily asceticism in a nation’s social structure
Andrzej Pawlucki
Different physical activity guidelines and its association with socio-demographic and anthropometric characteristic samong working women
Sema Can, Ersan Arslan, Elzbieta Biernat, and Monika Piatkowska
Fundamental movement skills and weight status in children: A systematic review
Sari Slotte, Arja Sääkslahti, Katriina Kukkonen-Harjula, and Pauli Rintala
Application of the EEG Biofeedback method in attention deficits therapy in young sports people - A pilot study
Malgorzata Artymiak, Michał Niewiadomy, Malgorzata Pielecka-Sikorska, and Agnieszka Weiner
Obesity and overweight among children and adolescents in the light of health education principles
Adam Wiek, Katarzyna Tkacz, Waclaw Mozolewski, Malgorzata E. Kusmierczyk, and Sylwester Rybaczek
Still unnoticed. Women in Polish sports associations. Content analysis of Polish, international, and British formal rules of sports organizations
Natalia Organista
Physical activity profile of the referee and the assistant referee during official football matches
Bartosz Dolanski, Andrzej Szwarc, Bartosz Heinig, and Mateusz Sitek
The positive role of kinesio taping in adjunctive therapy of static plano-valgusfeet in children between the ages of 5 and 7
Agnieszka Straczynska, Jacek Kruczynski, Agnieszka Radziminska, Magdalena Weber-Rajek, Ewelina Lulinska-Kuklik, and Aleksander Goch
Pre-performance rituals and anxiety among young Polish and Ukrainian football players
Joanna Basiaga-Pasternak
Quality of life, duration of the disease and the level of pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Ewa Kupcewicz and Agnieszka Drejer
Body posture in patients with Parkinson’s disease
Jacek Wilczynski and Pawel Połrola
Adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism and athletes’ attitudes toward doping and anti-doping policy in sport
Krzysztof Sas-Nowosielski and Aleksandra Budzisz
Adolescents’ actual appearance and body image self-assessment
Anna Lysak, Dominika Wilczynska, Anna Walentukiewicz, Karol Karasiewicz, and Pawel Skonieczny
Posture of adolescent male handball players compared to non-athletes
Malgorzata Grabara
Socio-demographic and medical determinants of the quality of life in patients after myocardial infarction
Ewa Kupcewicz and Malgorzata Sawlewicz
Physical activity and other selected determinants of the body mass index (BMI) in women aged 40–65 with type 2 diabetes from the Krakow population
Maria Gacek and Agnieszka Wojtowicz
Consumer loyalty among fans of sports clubs: How much do they vary across disciplines?
Szczepan Kosciolek
E-sports versus physical activity among adolescents
Henrietta Varga Szepne, Laszlo Csernoch, and Ildiko Balatoni
BMI of students of School of Sport – facts and self-assessment in the context of physical activity and parents’ education. Long-standing research
Ewa Wojtowicz and Barbara Duda-Biernacka
Muscle bloodflow as an indicator of anaerobic threshold in young athletes – A near infrared spectroscopy study
Maciej Chroboczek, Magdalena Jakubowska, Sylwester Kujach, Marcin Luszczyk, and Radoslaw Laskowski
Effect of the depletion of self-control strength on the self-regulation of the nutritional process in obese individuals
Malgorzata Obara-Golebiowska and Hanna Brycz
Trainers and sports clubs civil liability for contestants’ injuries caused during sports training or competition as regulated in the Polish legal system?
Cezary Waldzinski, Ewa Waldzinska, Aleksandra Durzynska, Tomasz Waldzinski, and Kazimierz Kochanowicz
Sporting habits of university students in Hungary
Ildiko Balatoni, Henrietta Varga Szepne, Anetta Muller, Sandor Kovacs, Nikolett Kosztin, and Laszlo Csernoch
Body build of 14-16-year-old boys practising football and basketball as compared with non-training peers
Monika Opanowska, Elzbieta Pretkiewicz-Abacjew, and Paweł Skonieczny
The effectiveness of kettlebell exercises in the aspects of special efficiency training in American football
Marek Kruszewski, Artur Kruszewski, Stanislaw Kuzmicki, Robert Korczak, Rafal Tabecki, Karol Landowski, and Piotr Sitek
Effectiveness of the “Slimming Down Olsztyn Residents” health program – Motivation to participate and withdraw
Robert Podstawski, Dariusz Choszcz, and Patrycja Polakowska
Influential factors in physical activity amongst pregnant women
Soheila Rabiepoor, Somayeh Rezavand, Atefeh Yas, and Narmin Ghanizadeh
Assessment of gross motor skills in primary schools children from the Czech Republic
Zdenek Rechtik, Ludmila Miklankova, and Michaela Pugnerova
An examination of the hamstring and the quadriceps muscle kinematics during the front and back squat in males
Jonathan Sinclair, Darrell Brooks, and Stephen Atkins
The efficiency of executing technical actions by female volleyball players depending on their positions on the court
Karol Cieminski
Comparison of various physical and body composition profiles between Indian elite male and female gymnasts
Tamoghni Manna, Arush Goswami, Subhra Karmakar Chatterjee, Meenu Dhingra, and Swapan K. Dey
Iron metabolism and hepcidin concentration in teenagers before and after exercise in relation to the HFE gene status
Barbara Kaczorowska-Hac, Marcin Luszczyk, Jedrzej Antosiewicz, and Jan Jacek Kaczor
Stress and its management by students in the field of education
Irena Plevova, Lucie Kremenkova, and Michaela Pugnerova
Influence of experimental training with external resistance in a form of “kettlebell” on selected components of women’sphysical fitness
Tadeusz Ambrozy, Lucyna Kiszczak, Jaroslaw Omorczyk, Mariusz Ozimek, Tomasz Palka, Dawid Mucha, Arkadiusz Stanula, and Dariusz Mucha
The level of selected coordination abilities in badminton players at various ages and sport skill levels as compared to non-athletes
Janusz Jaworski, Grzegorz Lech, Michal Zak, Eligiusz Madejski, and Katarzyna Szczepanik
Development of body morphology of Iraqi students: Sedentary way of life and fatness
Ali Dawood Al Sudani and Wlodzimierz S. Erdmann
Perspectives for improving organizational interaction in the process of developing the field of physical culture and sport
Oleh Mykolaiovych Varenyk
Pedagogical aspects of child health promotion in the context of pre-school education
Ludmila Miklankova, Michaela Pugnerova, and Zdenek Rechtik
Relationships between motor abilities and volleyball performance skills in 15-year-old talent-identified volleyball players
Dariusz Mroczek, Edward Superlak, Adam Kawczynski, and Jan Chmura
Kinematic analysis of the block startand 20-metre acceleration phase in two highly-trained sprinters: A case report
Michal Janowski, Jacek Zielinski, Michal Wlodarczyk, and Krzysztof Kusy
Determination of maximal oxygen uptake through a new basketball-specific field test
Ersen Adsiz, Gulbin Rudarli Nalcakan, S. Rana Varol, and Faik Vural
Criminal liability for doping in sport
Jacek Potulski
The place of outdoor schools in primary education in the context of their content focus
Karol Gorner, Julia Vitkova, and Adam Jurczak
Motor abilities necessary to be successful at dancing
Jadranka Vlasic, Goran Oreb, and Maja Horvatin-Fuckar
Evaluation of the repeatability of a sports technique using selected kinematics quantities based on the example of backhand spring
Jaroslaw Omorczyk, Leszek Nosiadek, Ewa Puszczalowska-Lizis, Tadeusz Ambrozy, Dawid Mucha, Przemyslaw Bujas, and Dariusz Mucha
Frequently endorsed cognitive and physical activities among community-dwelling older adults
Valdiva G. da Silva, Tangeria R. Adams, Joshua Fogel, Mindy J. Katz, Krystal E. Mendez, and Laura Rabin
Athletics training programme for children studying in sports schools in Poland
Marek Fostiak, Tomasz Frolowicz, Malgorzata Pogorzelska, and Joanna Klonowska
The incidence and the type of stomatognathic disorders in patients with Gardner syndrome. A systematic review
Olga Preuss, Aleksandra Jaron, Anna Grzywacz, Magda Aniko-Wlodarczyk, and Grzegorz Trybek
Media value of the Polish sports sponsorship market in the years 2015–2017
Gabriel Lasinski and Adam Pawlukiewicz
Diagnosis, treatment and statistic of anterior cruciate ligament injuries
Pawel Gwiazdon, Agnieszka Racut, Magdalena Strozik, Wioletta Bala, Katarzyna Klimek, Jolanta Rajca, and Grzegorz Hajduk
Psychological, social, and environmental predictors of physical activity among older adults: The socio-ecological approach using structural equation modeling analysis
Fatemeh Bakhtari, Batool Ahmad, Nayyereh Aminisani, Neda Gilani, and Hamid Allahverdipour
The influence of whole body cryotherapy on the functional efficiency in patients with spondyloarthrosis of the lumbar spine
Marta Barlowska-Trybulec and Jolanta Jaworek
The specificity of motivations in different combat sports and different lengths of the sports career
Beata Wolska, Ryszard Pujszo, Patrycja Janowska, Marta Wojdat, Magdalena Zajac, and Malgorzata Pujszo
A comparison of psychological well-being in athlete and non-athlete women
Ghorban Hemati Alamdarloo, Setareh Shojaee, Enayatollah Asadmanesh, Homa Sheikhani Shahin, Aghdas Rangani, and Sara Negahdarifard
Relationships between postural stability in standing and handstand and psychological factors in athletes practicing artistic gymnastics
Jaroslaw Omorczyk, Agnieszka Zajac, and Ewa Puszczalowska-Lizis
Application of selected physiotherapeutic methods and the qualitative gait assessment in elderly people with degenerative changes of the hip joint
Magdalena Podczarska-Glowacka and Malgorzata Kawa
Deep tissue massage and mobility and pain in the thoracic spine
Anna Srokowska, Malgorzata Bodek, Mikolaj Kurczewski, Grzegorz Srokowski, Marcin Siedlaczek, and Andrzej Lewandowski
The characteristics of biofeedback techniques used in pelvic floor muscle training for healthy pregnant women – A narrative review
Monika Bludnicka, Magdalena Piernicka, and Anna Szumilewicz
Can physical activity modulate pain perception during ontogenesis?
Maciej Pawlak, Aleksandra Jazdzewska, and Katarzyna Leznicka
The location of back pain as a factor differentiating the physical fitness of cadets of the Military Academy of Land Forces
Dariusz Lenart
The impact of shock wave therapy on reducing pain in patients with plantar fasciitis
Zaneta Galecka-Szczerba, Malgorzata Kawa, and Magdalena Podczarska-Glowacka
Parental burnout as a health determinant in mothers raising disabled children
Aleksandra Sadziak, Wojciech Wilinski, and Marta Wieczorek
Selected aspects of testing the positioning accuracy of GNSS receivers used in sports and recreation by dynamic measurements
Cezary Specht, Tomasz Szot, Mariusz Specht, and Pawel Dabrowski
Physical activity and dietary supplementation intake among postmenopausal women
Angelika Cisek-Wozniak, Kinga Mruczyk, and Rafal W. Wojciak
Characteristics of the correlations between body posture and postural stability in boys aged 10-12 years
Katarzyna Bieniek and Jacek Wilczynski
Analysis of interrelations of psychophysiological and hysiological indicators of martial arts athletes
Vyacheslav Romanenko, Sergii Iermakov, Leonid Podrigalo, Olga Rovnaya, Zhanna Sotnikova-Meleshkina, Valeriy Goloha, and Larysa Ruban
Participation trends and performance analysis of Turkey’s long-distance runs between 2007-2017
Melda Pelin Yargic, Naila Babayeva, Mehmet Sinan İyi̇soy, Galip Bilen Kurklu, and Gürhan Dönmez
Physical capacity and body composition in 13-16 year old soccer players during three-year training cycle
Anna Konieczna, Lukasz Radziminski, Jacek Paszulewicz, Guillermo F. Lopez-Sanchez, Paul Dragos, and Zbigniew Jstrzebski
The effectiveness of open versus closed kinetic chain exercises on pain, function and range of motion in patients with knee osteoarthritis
Babatunde Olusola Adegoke, Arinola Olasumbo Sanya, Samuel Olusegun Ogunlade, and Oladapo Michael Olagbegi
Factor structure of swimmers for evaluating endurance and predicting 5000-m indoor and open water swimming performance
Faik Vural, Mehmet Zeki Özkol, and Tolga Akşit
Finger range of motion and joint circumferences in rock climbers
Katarzyna Raczynska, Bartosz Trybulec, Kamila Boczon, and Paweł Jagielski
Development of power qualities of cadets of Ukrainian higher military educational institutions during kettlebell lifting training
Kostiantyn Prontenko, Grygoriy Griban, Ihor Bloshchynskyi, Dmytro Boyko, Orest Loiko, Volodymyr Andreychuk, Inesa Novitska, and Pavlo Tkachenko
Core stability training and young para-swimmers' results on 50 meters and 100 meters freestyle
Ninomyslaw Jakubczyk, Anna Zwierzchowska, and Adam Maszczyk
Relative age effect in Polish National Football teams
Andrzej Szwarc, Bartosz Dolanski, Pawel Rompa, and Mateusz Sitek
The level of somatic health, sports specialization and alification of an athlete as indicators of intermediate selection in the mixed martial arts
Alexander Alexandrovich Gorelov, Vladimir Mikhailovich Voronov, Andrei Ivanovich Krylov, and Viktor Leonidovich Kondakov
Effect of grip width on exercise volume in bench press with a controlled movement tempo in women
Mariola Gepfert, Michal Krzysztofik, Aleksandra Filip, Aleksandra Mostowik, Agnieszka Lulinska, Grzegorz Wojdala, Milosz Drozd, and Michal Wilk
The effect of a single dose of the Thermo Speed Extreme (Olimp) thermogenic supplement on circulatory functions and body temperatures at rest in male and female subjects
Ilona Pokora, Lukasz Wolowski, and Piotr Wyderka
Does blood flow restriction influence the maximal number of repetitions performed during the bench press? A pilot study
Magdalena Rawska, Mariola Gepfert, Aleksandra Mostowik, Michal Krzysztofik, Grzegorz Wojdala, Agnieszka Lulinska, and Michal Wilk
TNFA expression level changes observed in response to the Wingate Anaerobic Test in non-trained and trained individuals
Agnieszka Maciejewska-Skrendo, Jan Mieszkowski, Andrzej Kochanowicz, Blazej Stankiewicz, Pawel Cieszczyk, Katarzyna Switala, Gilmara Gomes de Assis, Katarzyna Kecler, Maciej Tarnowski, and Marek Sawczuk
Comparison of body composition, physical fitness parameters and skeletal muscle damage indices among young Indian male soccer & hockey players
Surojit Sarkar, Subhra Karmakar Chatterjee, and Swapan K. Dey
Anaerobic power and hydration status in combat sport athletes during body mass reduction
Anna Kurylas, Jakub Chycki, and Tomasz Zajac
Developmental Tendencies of Results in Female Heptathlon in the Olympic Games during the Years 1984–2008
Katarzyna Majchrzak, Maria Kamrowska-Nowak, and Krzysztof Byzdra
Distribution of Foot Pressing Forces in a Standing Position of Children and Youth in the Light of Prevention and Correction
Malgorzata Kawa, Marcin Garsztka, and Michal Hillar
The Value of Education and Work in the Representatives of Gymnasts’ Opinion
Anna Perzynska-Biskup and Stanislaw Sawczyn
Gymnasts’ Special Quickness-Force Abilities and the Indicators of Jump from a Springboard
Adam Koperski, Andrzej Kochanowski, and Czeslaw Slodkowski
The Efficiency Model of Goalkeeper’s Actions in Soccer
Andrzej Szwarc, Patrycja Lipinska, and Michal Chamera
The Level of Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacity and the Results of a Special Mobility Fitness Test of Female Judo Competitors Aged 16–18 Years
Beata Wolska-Paczoska
Physical Performance, Body Composition and Body Balance in Relation to National Ranking Positions in Young Polish Tennis Players
Mateusz Karnia, Tomasz Garsztka, Mateusz Rynkiewicz, Tadeusz Rynkiewicz, Piotr Zurek, Marcin Luszczyk, Ewelina Sledziewska, and Ewa Ziemann
Changes of Lactate Threshold during a Half-Year Training Cycle in “Arka Gdynia” Football Players
Wojciech Ignatiuk, Pawel Rompa, Lukasz Radziminski, Robert Dargiewicz, and Zbigniew Jastrzebski
Different forms of swimmers’ final weeks pre-competition preparation
Kamil Sokolowski, Marek Strzala, and Arkadiusz Stanula
Kinematic Tactics in the Women's 800 m Freestyle Swimming Final at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
Patrycja Lipińska
Accuracy of “S Health” pedometer application during walking and stair climbing
Mateja Šinkovec and Darja Rugelj
A Pattern of Efficiency of Actions in Soccer Based on Observations of the European Championships 2008 Finals
Andrzej Szwarc
Sport activity – Systematic Approach to Science, Technology and Art. Part Two: Engineering Technology and Sport
Wlodzimierz S. Erdmann
Changes of temporospatial orientation in persons with intellectual disabilities who participate in modern dance workshops
Olga Szymanska and Wojciech Wilinski
Special Fitness and the Effectiveness of Technical Preparation in Gymnastic Vault Event in Athletes at the Directed Stage
Andrzej Kochanowicz, Kazimierz Kochanowicz, and Stanislaw Sawczyn
Deviant Behaviour in Competitive Sport. A Sociological Attempt at Explaining the Phenomenon
Zbigniew Dziubinski
Criteria of Initial Selection of Candidates for Artistic Gymnastics
Kazimierz Kochanowicz and Andrzej Kochanowicz
The results of judo fights during the 2018–2019 World Championships
Barbara Sulecka, Marek Adam, and Beata Wolska
Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of Motor Coordination Abilities in Gymnast Girls Aged 7–9 Years
Kazimierz Kochanowicz, Lola Brygida Boraczynska, and Tomasz Boraczynski
Having Children and Physical Activity Level and Other Types of Pro-Health Behaviour of Women from the Perspective of the Theory of Planned Behaviour
Piotr Wlodarczyk and Artur Ziolkowski
An Application of Incremental Running Test Results to Train Professional Soccer Players
Lukasz Radziminski, Pawel Rompa, Robert Dargiewicz, Wojciech Ignatiuk, and Zbigniew Jastrzebski
The impact of classified and unclassified techniques on the male medalists’ offensive activity at the 2004–2016 Olympic Games
Amar Ait Ali Yahia
Selected Socio-Educational and Personal Aspects of Conditioning Attitudes of Fair Play in Sport
Artur Ziolkowski, Wojciech Saklak, and Piotr Wlodarczyk
An Attempt at the Identification of Anthropometric Conditioning of Sport Results in 400-Metre Men’s Hurdles
Jakub Adamczyk, Marcin Siewierski, and Dariusz Boguszewski
Assessment of physical fitness among non-athlete adolescents: Effect of familiarization sessions
Diogo Henrique Constantino Coledam and Rodrigo Dias Caria de Oliveira
The Features of Functional Capabilities of Elite Basketball Players Related to Game Function
Olena Lysenko
Changes in the Prevalence of Excessive and Deficient Body Weight among Pomeranian Youth in the Years 1979, 1989, and 1999
Anna Lysak, Janusz Dobosz, and Jozef Drabik
Junior High School Pupils’ Opinions on the Content and Conduct of Swimming Classes at School
Grzegorz Bielec
The Influence of functional training on biomotor skills in girl tennis players aged 10–12
Oktay Zırhlı and Nevzat Demirci
Anaerobic Power and Dependence on Chosen Anthropometric Parameters in Young Handball Players
Marcin Luszczyk, Radoslaw Laskowski, Ewa Ziemann, Tomasz Grzywacz, and Anna Szczesna-Kaczmarek
Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of International Standing in Group Competition in the Sport of Rhythmic Gymnastics
Anna Kwitniewska, Marcin Dornowski, and Anita Hökelmann
Relations between Bioelectrical Muscles Activity and Isokinetic Strength Parameters in 17–19-Year-Old Judoists
Marcin Dornowski
The effects of Watsu therapy on autonomic cardiovascular modulation and flexibility of children with cerebral palsy
Ertan Tufekcioglu
Changes Related to Fatigue in Cardiorespiratory Response Sensitivity to Hypoxic and Hypercapnic Stimulation during Strenuous Physical Load
Viktor Mishchenko, Andrzej Suchanowski, and Olena Lysenko
Defensive Actions of Contestants during Polish Judo Championships in the Years 2005-2008
Dariusz Boguszewski
Effects of Interval Training of Maximal Effort Intensity
Henryk Norkowski, Anna Kuder, Tadeusz Hucinski, and Stanislaw Przybylski
The application of bone morphogenetic proteins in medicine, dentistry, sport and rehabilitation: A review of literature
Aleksandra Jaron, Elzbieta Grzywacz, Natalia Kerber-Wyka, Sara Zacharska, Michal Lobacz, and Grzegorz Trybek
The Fate of Potassium Ions Released from Contractile Muscle during Repeated Supramaximal Exercise
Anna Szczesna-Kaczmarek
The Level of Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacity and the Results of a Special Mobility Fitness Test of Female Judo Contestants
Beata Wolska, Valerij Smulskij, and Wladyslaw Jagiello
Digital burnout and perceptive failure: The example of physical education teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Tayfun ŞİRİN, Yeliz ERATLI ŞİRİN, Berna CAN, and Oğuzkaan URUÇ
Cardiorespiratory Responses to Submaximal Exercise in 16-18-Year-Old Trained and Untrained Boys
Marcin Luszczyk, Ewa Ziemann, Tomasz Grzywacz, Radoslaw Laskowski, and Anna Szczesna-Kaczmarek
Exercise − A unique endogenous regulator of irisin, BDNF, leptin and cortisol against depression
Gilmara Gomes de Assis and Pawel Cieszczyk
Allelic Polymorphism of Endothelial No-Synthase (eNOS) Association with Exercise-Induced Hypoxia Adaptation
Svitlana B. Drozdovska, Victor E. Dosenko, Vladimir N. Ilyin, Mykhailo M. Filippov, and Ludmila M. Kuzmina
Specifics of Ventilatory and Heart Rate Chemosensitivity Related to Special Endurance Capacity in High Performance Alpinists and Endurance Athletes
Viktor Mishchenko, Anatoly Pavlik, and Andrzej Suchanowski
Individualities of Cardiorespiratory Responsiveness to Shifts in Respiratory Homeostasis and Physical Exercise in Homogeneous Groups of High Performance Athletes
Viktor Mishchenko, Oksana Shynkaruk, Andrzej Suchanowski, Olena Lysenko, Tomasz Tomiak, Andrej Diachenko, and Adam Korol
The relation between selected anthropometric variables and the sports results of early pubescent swimmers
Grzegorz Bielec and Daniel Jurak
Examining self-efficacy levels of football referees
Sercan Kural and Faruk Aydin
Physical activity patterns and dietary habits of undergraduate students
Ebenezer Essaw, Monday Omoniyi Moses, Daniel Afrifa, Isaac Kwaku Acheampong, Winifred Mensah, and Lemuel Owusu
Association between gait speed and muscle mass and strength in postmenopausal women
Zbigniew M. Ossowski, Monika Wiech, and Miroslaw Ellwart
Physical activity of working age Wroclaw residents with reference to their income
Daniel Puciato, Michal Rozpara, Piotr Olesniewicz, Julita Markiewicz-Patkowska, and Soňa Jandová
Level of knowledge regarding health as well as health education and pro-health behaviours among students of physical education and other teaching specialisations
Grazyna Kosiba, Maria Gacek, Agnieszka Wojtowicz, and Magdalena Majer
The effectiveness of functional training on static balance, dynamic balance and flexibility of females with intellectual disability
Sakineh Farrokhian, Ghorban Hemati Alamdarloo, and Enayatollah Asadmanesh
Studies of kicking of three targets – does sex differentiate the velocity of the taekwondo front kick?
Jacek Wasik, Dorota Ortenburger, and Tomasz Gora
An accident right before the finish of the first stage of the 77th edition of the Tour de Pologne – legal characterisation of the accident through the prism of criminal law
Cezary Waldzinski, Aleksandra Durzynska, Tomasz Waldzinski, and Kazimierz Kochanowicz
A preparation cycle in strength training as a form of health training for adults
Malgorzata Kalwa, Tadeusz Stefaniak, Dariusz Harmacinski, and Bartosz Groffik
Investigation of athlete high school students' moral decision-making attitudes in terms of sport variables
Oğuz Özbek and Umut Nalbant
The effect of linear and daily undulating periodized resistance training on the neuromuscular function and the maximal quadriceps strength
Nasrin Abdi, Mohammad Reza Hamedinia, Zahra Izanloo, and Nosratollah Hedayatpour
The effect of eight weeks of core stability training on the lower extremity joints moment during single-leg drop landing
Faraj Fatahi, Gholamali Ghasemi, Mohamadtaghi Karimi, and Ramin Beyranvand
The effect of the therapeutic recreation program for children with autistic spectrum disorder on their social skills
Arzu Koçak Uyaroğlu, Ezgi Ertüzün, and Fatma Taş Arslan
Effect of a combined exercise program (aerobic and rebound therapy) with two different ratios on some physical and motor fitness indices in intellectually disabled girl
Amir Hossein Haghighi, Fatemeh Mohammadtaghipoor, Mohammadreza Hamedinia, and Javad Harati
The relationship between chosen kinematic parameters of the aerial cartwheel on the balance beam during skill learning
Aleksandra Aleksić-Veljković, Kamenka Živčić Marković, and Lucija Milčić
The economic and financial impact of the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sports market
Joanna Jedel and Marcin Burchard
The effect of breath-hold diving on selected adaptive mechanisms in the circulatory-respiratory system in simulated static and dynamic apnoea
Magdalena Solich-Talanda, Robert Mikolajczyk, Robert Roczniok, and Aleksandra Zebrowska
The dangers of travel – Banditry on the roads in the old days
Piotr Godlewski, Dariusz T. Skalski, and Robert Mruczyk
In the footsteps of Joseph II. The potential of the new tourist route of the countries of the former Habsburg Empire from the perspective of cultural heritage tourism
Agnieszka Bogdal-Brzezinska
Innovative technologies in using Baltic amber for wellness
Anna Mikhaylova and Andrey Mikhaylov
The border as a resource – new places for tourism development. Evidence from two Carpathian tripoints
Marek Wieckowski
Changes in air tourism to Tunisia in 2009–2018
Jan A. Wendt and Dariusz Jacek Olszewski-Strzyzowski
Tourism in Apuseni Mountains (Romania) – A technical proposal
Gheorghe Lucaciu, Marius Alin Marinău, Mirela Ștef, Dana Ioana Cristea, and Dariusz Jacek Olszewski-Strzyżowski
Establishing transboundary tourist space in the Baltic Sea region
Denis Cerić and Marek Wieckowski
Considerations Regarding the Profile of Tourists from Băile Felix – Băile 1 Mai Spa Destination, Romania
Grigore Vasile Herman, Norbert Banto, Tudor Caciora, Vasile Grama, Jakub Trojan, Mihaela Ungureanu, Sorin Furdui, Daiana Garai, Raluca Buhaş, and Sorin Buhaş
Expanding transboundary tourist space – The growing significance of the Augustów Canal
Aliaksandr Cyargeenka and Marek Wieckowski
Tourism promotion system in Poland in the context of selected National Strategic Documents
Rafal Szmytke
Emitter and tourist destination in Romania
Grigore Vasile Herman, Dorina Camelia Ilieș, Olivier Dehoorne, Alexandru Ilieș, Alphonse Sambou, Tudor Caciora, Mamadou Diombera, and Anamaria Lăzuran
Olympism and himalaism
Andrzej Pawlucki
The perception of geography in school and society
Grigore Vasile Herman, Mihaela Simona Biriș, Dorina Camelia Ilieș, Tudor Caciora, Alexandru Ilieș, Jan A. Wendt, and Daniela Sopota
Lower limbs asymmetries in the agility and explosive strength in male football players
Sorin Albeanu, Robert Munteanu, Luminița Călinescu Brabiescu, Roberta Ghețu, Bogdan Burcea, and Cătălin Forțan
Study on the efficiency of advanced pressing in the Premier League
Sorin Brîndescu, Francisc-Remus Datcu, and Ionuț-Alexadru Buda
Views on the quality of life of people with disabilities in the light of their involvement in sport activities
Remigiusz Drozdz
Macronutrients and water – do they matter in the context of cognitive performance in athletes?
Ewa Karpecka and Barbara Fraczek
A sense of social affiliation of homeless people participating in a soccer tournament
Dariusz Jacek Olszewski-Strzyzowski, Raluca Buhaș, and Sorin Buhaș
Some insights on physical education classes in primary and secondary schools in Bihor County, Romani
Claudia Georgescu, Roxana Firezar, and Petru Pețan
The relationship between physical activity levels and health-related quality of life in elderly individuals aged 65 years and above with a chronic disease
Nevzat Demirci, Pervin Toptaş Demirci, and Oktay Zırhlı
Physical activity of school children and youth
Leszek Tomaczkowski and Joanna Klonowska
Aspects regarding the integration of children with special educational needs through participation in physical education
Dana Ioana Cristea, Ionuț Moțoc, and Anca-Cristina Pop
Model characteristics of sportsmen’ preparedness in kettlebell lifting
Konstiantyn Prontenko, Grygoriy Griban, Tetiana Plachynda, Ivan Mychka, Oksana Khurtenko, Bogdan Semeniv, Oleksandr Gnydiuk, Vadym Muzhychok, and Mykola Puzdymir
Optimizing the assessment of motor skills in 6th grade pupils through multimedia means
Paul Szabo-Alexi, István Pocsai, and Mariana Szabo-Alexi
The effect of grit on leisure time physical activity. An application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour
Vello Hein, Andre Koka, Hanna Kalajas-Tilga, Henri Tilga, and Lennart Raudsepp
Well-being and mental health − diet, supplements, exercise or sleep? A review of reports from the last five years
Elzbieta Grzywacz and Aleksandra Jaron
Aspects regarding extracurricular sport activities in schools from Bihor County, Romania
Claudia Georgescu and Raluca Buhaș
The relationship between university students' psychological resilience and anxiety levels and comparising in terms of physical activity levels gender and academic achievement
Abdurrahman Demi̇r and Ali İlhan Barut
Differences between all-around results in women’s artistic gymnastics and ways of minimizing them
Almir Atiković, Edina Kamenjašević, Amra Nožinović Mujanović, Edin Užičanin, Muhamed Tabaković, and Mijo Ćurić
Aspects regarding the improvement of middle schooler attendance at physical education classes
Dana Ioana Cristea, Anca-Cristina Pop, Paula Nica, Aurelian Andrei Cristea, Gheorghe Lucaciu, and Marius Alin Marinău
Validation of the Lithuanian version of the Perceived Parental Success Standards in Sport Scale (PPSSS)
Enrika Kromerova-Dubinskiene and Saulius Sukys
The relationship between upper extremity strength and performance in elite amputee football players
Gurkan Gunaydin
Investigation of the relationship between smart phone addiction and physical activity in university students
Ayşe Numanoğlu-Akbaş, Sinem Suner-Keklik, and Hatice Yakut
Dependences between the footwear fitting and feet structure in girls of third-grade primary school
Ewa Puszczalowska-Lizis, Paulina Zarzyczna, and Wioletta Mikulakova
Identification of objective (measurable) effects of systematic physical activity of young women participating in Slavica® Dance training
Justyna Bolek-Adamek and Damian Bojar
The link between body mass index (BMI) and bone properties, muscle strength, and motor coordination in boys and girls aged 7−9
Ester Goldstein, Ella Shoval, Michal Arnon, and Gershon Tenenbaum
The examination of some anthropometric and motoric characteristics of students aged eight years according to their maturation level
Erdal Ari and Gökhan Deliceoglu
The institutional effect on leisure time and competitive sports at higher education colleges and universities in the Carpathian Basin
Klára Kovács, Marianna Moravecz, Zsuzsa Nagy, Dávid Rábai, and Dániel Szabó
The effects of the body mass index on the physical function and the quality of life in the elderly
Raziye Şavkın, Gökhan Bayrak, and Nihal Büker
The impact of circuit resistance training on serum glucose, insulin resistance and health related physical fitness in elderly men with type 2 diabetes
Hamid Arazi, Roghayeh Gholizadeh, Amin Sohbatzadeh, and Ehsan Eghbali
Sportsmanship and basic psychological needs in sports students
Germina-Alina Cosma, Alina Chiracu, Amalia-Raluca Stepan, Roxana Gatzel, Augustin Iancu, and Alexandru Cosma
Physical training as the basis of professional activities of patrol policemen
Kostiantyn Prontenko, Valentin Bondarenko, Sergiy Bezpaliy, Dmytro Kyslenko, Yurii Lisnichenko, Vasyl Ollo, Alla Aloshyna, Olexandr Bychuk, and Volodymyr Smirnov
Personality and temperament of Olympic taekwondo competitors and their level of advancement and sports performance
Marta Remiszewska, Jerzy F. Miller, Marek Graczyk, and Milena Lachowicz
Physical activity and other health-related behaviors in adults from Oradea, Romania. Facts and social factors
Raluca Buhaș, Sorana Săveanu, and Claudia Bacter
Somatotypes of athletes with physical disabilities and the type of activity they undertake
Agata Kamionka, Elzbieta Grzywacz, and Mariusz Lipowski
Outdoor vs indoor physical education lessons as an opportunity to shape environmental attitudes
Marcin Pasek
Effect of Pilates training on hepatic fat content and liver enzymes in middle-aged men with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Ziba Keymasi, Abbas Sadeghi, and Hassan Pourrazi
Models of speed development in soccer
Roksana Krosta, Milosz Drozd, Robert Goralczyk, Maciej Kostrzewa, Patricia Fischerova, and Angelina Ignatieva
How are the physical activity and anxiety levels of the university students affected during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic?
Zehra Güçhan Topcu, Beliz Belgen Kaygısız, and Cisel Demiralp
Concurrent validity, inter-, and intrarater reliabilities of smart device based application for measuring vertical jump performance
Dong-Sik Oh, Yoon-Hee Choi, Yu-Jin Shim, Sam-Ho Park, and Myung-Mo Lee
Urban green spaces - A support for physical activities and tourism. Case study Oradea Municipality, Bihor, Romania
Claudiu Filimon, Corina Criste Tătar, Luminița Anișoara Filimon, and Laura Mariana Herman
Predictors of mobility limitation in older adults: A structural equation modeling analysis
Azam Jafari, Nayyereh Aminisani, Seyed Morteza Shamshirgaran, Laven Rastgoo, and Neda Gilani
Meta-analyses of the effect of flossing on ankle range of motion and power jump performance
Anna Pisz, Katerina Kralova, Dusan Blazek, Artur Golas, and Petr Stastny
Influence of functional abilities on the quality of refereeing in handball
Ivan Belcic, Lana Ruzic, and Alen Marosevic
The impact of local public policies on sports performance. Oradea – An example of success
Sorin Buhaş, Raluca Buhaş, Vasile Grama, Grigore Vasile Herman, and Paul Dragoș
A comparative study of anthropometric measurements and body composition between junior football and basketball players from the Serbian National League
Dusko Bjelica, Bojan Masanovic, and Dragan Krivokapic
The relative age effect in FIFA U-17 World Cup: The role of the playing position and the continent
Ali ̇ Işın and Tuba Melekoğlu
Sport, masculinity and gender relations
Arnaldo Spallacci
Criminal liability for injuries of competitors arising in the course of sports competition in Polish criminal law
Tomasz Waldzinski, Cezary Waldzinski, Aleksandra Durzynska, Ewa Waldzinska, Malgorzata Knas, and Kazimierz Kochanowicz
Effect of core stability training on postural control, risk of falling, and function of the blind: A randomized controlled trial
Mohammad Karimizadeh Ardakani, Mohammad Hamzeh Shalamzari, and Mohammad Hani Mansori
The reliability and intensity dependence of maximum mouth pressure during bench press exercise in healthy athletes
Dusan Blazek, Anna Pisz, Ondrej Pecha, and Petr Kubový
Relationship between aerobic fitness, blood pressure and life satisfaction
Attila Szabo, Tamás Bőhm, and Ferenc Köteles
How does history of sport rank in sciences – A discussion of the paradigm of the history of sport
Piotr Godlewski
Effect of dynamic and static strength training on hormonal activity in elite boxers
Eser Ağgön, Özturk Agırbaş, Hamit Hakan Alp, Izzet Uçan, Recep Gürsoy, and Anthony C. Hackney
Cardiovascular-metabolic responses and oxygen uptake kinetics during kayak paddling in normobaric hypoxia in young flatwater kayakers
Elvin Onarici Güngör, Celil Kaçoğlu, Ali Onur Cerrah, and İlker Yılmaz
Investigation of the relationship between sit-and-reach flexibility and the height, the leg length and the trunk length in adolescent athletes
Bihter Akınoğlu, Büşra Paköz, Adnan Hasanoğlu, and Tuğba Kocahan
People with disabilities in sport – legal aspects of unethical performance enhancement in Paralympics
Jakub Zwierzchowski
Justification of specific principles of state and public management for sports area development in Ukraine
Volodymyr Prikhodko, Oleksandr Tomenko, Pawel Radziejowski, Nina Dolbysheva, Dmytro Solovey, and Yaroslav Galan
Prevalence of physical inactivity and its geographical distribution in Yazd City, 2014–2015
Masoud Mirzaei, Mohsen Mirzaei, Seyed Ali Almodaresi, Hossein Fallahzadeh, Mahdi Shahryari, Shahin Eslami Farsani, and Seyyed Mohammad Hossein Hosseini
Physical activity and gene association with human obesity
Katarzyna Switala and Agata Leonska-Duniec
The adolescent’s perceptions and reasons for enjoyment at physical education classes in four elementary Brazilian schools
Vanilson Batista Lemes, Caroline Brand, Camila Felin Fochesatto, Adroaldo Cezar Araujo Gaya, and Anelise Reis Gaya
The effect of core strength training on flexibility and balance in sedentary healthy young individuals
Hatice Yakut and Burcu Talu
Profile of sport competition anxiety trait and psychological coping skills among secondary school athletes in Enugu State, South East Nigeria
Tochi Emmanuel Iwuagwu, Joshua Emeka Umeifekwem, Samuel Ndubuisi Igwe, Okechukwu Kingsley Oforka, and Oluchukwu Precious Udeh
Evaluation of healthy lifestyle behaviors and the level of knowledge of cardiovascular risk factors of individuals 60 years old and older with a chronic disease
Nevzat Demirci and Ahmet Toptas
Effects of social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on changes in daily activity: A case study of physical education students
Miroslaw Zalech
Physical activity and depression in older adults in times of the COVID-19 pandemic
İnci Kesi̇lmi̇ş, Gülten Geçi̇tli̇, Seda Kavak, Süleyman Kostal, and Mehmet Melih Kesi̇lmi̇ş
Identification of elite performance characteristics specific to anthropometric characteristics, athletic skills and motor competencies of combat athletes
Hilal Gürsoy and Umut Canli
Effects of mental fatigue on psychophysiological, cognitive responses, and technical skills in small-sided games in amateur soccer players
Yusuf Soylu and Ersan Arslan
Differences between official and non-official matches in worst-case scenarios in elite futsal players
Konstantinos Spyrou, Tomás T. Freitas, Elena Marín-Cascales, Rubén Herrero-Carrasco, and Pedro E. Alcaraz
Factors of future teachers’ motivation formation for the physical improvement
Anna Hakman, Olena Andrieieva, Vitalii Kashuba, Halyna Bezverkhnia, Viktoria Tsybulska, Mykola Maievskyi, Tetiana Osadchenko, Andrii Semenov, Olena Kljus, Oksana Tsiuniak, Nataliia Nikula, and Oleksandr Tomenko
Determination of energy intake and dietary habits and their relationship with physical activity levels and healthy lifestyle behaviours of primary education and pre-service teachers
Arzu Özkan, Taner Bozkuş, Ali Özkan, and Gürhan Kayihan
The relationship between perceived freedom, leisure involvement, and happiness of individuals participating in physical activities
Emrah Serdar and Duygu Harmandar Demirel
The effect of shoulder injury prevention program on glenohumeral range of motion and upper extremity performance in adolescent throwers: A pilot study
Gamze Cobanoglu, Hasan Aka, and Nevin A. Guzel
Effect of mental toughness on sporting performance: review of studies
Monika Guszkowska and Katarzyna Wojcik
Methodology of physical exercise: A proposal and reliability of a questionnaire for fitness professionals
Francys Paula Cantieri, Antonio Carlos Gomes, Gustavo Aires de Arruda, Diogo Henrique Constantino Coledam, Edineia Aparecida Gomes Ribeiro, Mauro Virgilio Gomes de Barros, and Ágata Cristina Marques Aranha
Mental and physical health in general population during COVID-19: Systematic review and narrative synthesis
Feifei Wang and Szilvia Boros
Evolution of physical performance in professional soccer across four consecutive seasons
Lukasz Radziminski and Zbigniew Jastrzebski
The impact of strength training on the improvement of jumping ability and selected power parameters of the lower limbs in soccer players
Patricia Fischerova, Magdalena Nitychoruk, Wojciech Smolka, Marcin Zak, Artur Golas, and Adam Maszczyk
A look at the bright side of dance: Analysis of the relationship between dance experience, experience quality, satisfaction and word of mouth
Metin Argan, Sabri Kaya, Caner Özgen, Gozde Yetim, and Alikhan Guseynov
A comparison of balance and leg muscle strength between tai chi and yoga in older adults: A cross-sectional study
Mentari A. Jelita, Julia R. Tanjung, Ignatio R. Haryono, and Nawanto A. Prastowo
The relationship between motivation, perceived Motivational Climate, Task and Ego Orientation, and Perceived Coach Autonomy in young ice hockey players
Arne Martin Jakobsen
Avoiding isolation: Physical activity for persons with disabilities and Covid-19
Pelin Aksen-Cengizhan, Ali Ahmet Doğan, and Özkan Işık
The influence of whole body cryotherapy on plasma concentration of melatonin and serotonin in patients with osteoarthrosis of the lumbar spine
Marta Barlowska-Trybulec, Joanna Szklarczyk, and Jolanta Jaworek
Range of motion and muscle strength deficits of patients with total hip arthroplasty after surgery
Aykut Özçadırcı, Ömür Çağlar, and Gürsoy Coşkun
The impact of horseback riding on the balance of 7-year-old children
Predrag Ilić, Aleksandra Aleksić-Veljković, and Miljan Hadžović
School injuries and their prevention from the present perspective
Václav Beranek, Petr Stastny, and Vit Novacek
The effect of different doses of zinc supplementation on nail elements in elite female athletes
Gunay Eskici
Skeletal muscle index and its association with mobility among community‐dwelling older women
Zbigniew M. Ossowski
Assessment of the diet and body composition of students recreationally training team sports
Filip Michal Borys, Beata Zysk, Adrianna Zanko, Dominika Chimkowska, Joanna Smarkusz-Zarzecka, Barbara Kielczewska, and Lucyna Ostrowska
Correlation between participation in physical activity and healthy nutrition: An example of a sports science faculty
Yasemin Ari and Ergün Çakir
The quality of life, neck and shoulder area dysfunction and upper body posture among people with and without moderate myopia
Hanna Kalajas-Tilga, Kuldar Kaljurand, and Doris Vahtrik
The relative age-related participation trends in European Badminton
Mert Bilgic and Erhan Devrilmez
The relatıonship between shooting performance and respiratory muscle strength in archers aged 9-12
Özgür Bostanci, Menderes Kabadayi, Muhammet Hakan Mayda, Ali Kerim Yilmaz, and Coşkun Yilmaz
Too masculine for healthcare, too feminine for intense sports: correlation between gender conformity and pro-health behaviours
Aleksandra Pawlowska, Kornelia Lipowska, and Daniel Krokosz
Purslane supplementation lowers oxidative stress, inflammatory and muscle damage biomarkers after high-intensity intermittent exercise in female runners
Anis Charkhi Sahl Abad, Amine Ghram, Rahman Soori, Ali Akbarnejad, Fatemeh Azizi Ghuchan, Mohammad Mehdi Zare, Anthony C. Hackney, and Stephen J. Bailey
Comparison of sprint interval and continuous endurance training on oxidative stress and antioxidant adaptations in young healthy adults
Gulbin Rudarli Nalcakan, Ece Onur, Arzu Oran Oran, and S. Rana Varol
Muscle strength evaluation of limb dominance in prepubescent swimmers boys and girls
Aykut Özçadirci, Ferhat Öztürk, Şükrü Alpan Cinemre, and Gizem Irem Kinikli
The investigation of the relationship between perceived freedom and brief resilience: The role of participation in physical activity
Tülay Avcı Taşkıran and Bülent Gürbüz
Static balance and proprioception evaluation in deaf national basketball players
Gamze Cobanoglu, Sinem Suner-Keklik, Cagatay Gokdogan, Nihan Kafa, Seyfi Savas, and Nevin A. Guzel
Kinesio taping – a healing and supportive method in various fields of medicine, dentistry, sport and physiotherapy
Aleksandra Jaron, Berenika Konkol, Ewa Gabrysz-Trybek, Joanna Bladowska, Anna Grzywacz, Armin Nedjat, and Grzegorz Trybek
The effect on critical velocity of runnings with change of direction in soccer
Erdal Ari, Hamit Cihan, and Abdullah Çetindemir
Positive body image among Polish elite athletes
Aleksandra Budzisz and Krzysztof Sas-Nowosielski
The relationship between scapular endurance and core endurance in elite amputee football players
Gurkan Gunaydin
The effect of the dynamics of external load changes in the aspect of the lower limit response time of the competitors of mixed martial arts (MMA) taking into account weight categories and sport experience
Angelina Ignatjeva, Magdalena Nitychoruk, Artur Terbalyan, Alan Langer, Agata Wacek, and Adam Maszczyk
The relationship between vertical jump performance during different training periods and results of 200m-sprint
Pawel Siembida, Magdalena Zawadka, and Piotr Gawda
Emotional states of athletes in the first lockdown due to Covid-19: A comparison of Polish and Spanish samples
Dominika Wilczynska, David Alarcon Rubio, Patrycja Sliwinska, and Jose Carlos Jaenes
How to HIIT while pregnant? The protocol characteristics and effects of high intensity interval training implemented during pregnancy – A systematic review
Anna Szumilewicz, Rita Santos-Rocha, Aneta Worska, Magdalena Piernicka, Hongli Yu, Simona Pajaujiene, Najmeh-Alsadat Shojaeian, and Miguel Angel Moviedo-Caro